Focus Area General Studies - Associate of Arts 6Credits: 6
Anthropology Focus Area:
- Complete a minimum of 9 credits from the Anthropology (ANTH) department
Art Focus Area:
- Complete a minimum of 9 credits from the Art (ART) department
Biology Focus Area:
- Complete a minimum of 8 credits from the following:
Business Focus Area:
- Complete a minimum of 9 credits from the following departments:
- Accounting (ACCT)
- Business Administration (BADM)
- Business (BUSN)
- Economics (ECON)
- Decision Science (DSCI)
- Finance (FIN)
- Management (MGT)
- Marketing (MKT)
Chemistry Focus Area:
- Complete a minimum of 8 credits from the following:
Communication Focus Area:
- Complete a minimum of 9 credits from the Communication (COMM) department.
Computer Science Focus Area:
- Complete a minimum of 9 credits from the following departments:
- Computer Science (COSC)
- Software Development (SDEV)
- Internet Technology (INET)
Criminal Justice Focus Area:
- Complete a minimum of 9 credits from the Criminal Justice (CRMJ) department.
Education Focus Area:
- Complete a minimum of 9 credits from the following departments:
- Curriculum and Instruction Education (EDCI)
- Elementary Education (EDEL)
- Exceptional Child Education (EDEX)
- Foundations of Education (EDFD)
- General Education (EDUC)
- Instructional Tecnology (ITEC)
Engineering Focus Area:
- Complete a minimum of 9 credits from the Engineering (ES) department.
English Focus Area:
- Complete a minimum of 9 credits from the English (ENGL) department.
Exercise Science Focus Area:
- Complete a minimum of 8 credits from the following departments:
- Kinesiology (KIN)
- Health Education (HLED)
History Focus Area:
- Complete a minimum of 9 credits from the History (HIST) department.
Information Systems Focus Area:
- Complete a minimum of 9 credits from the following departments:
- Computer and Information Systems (CIS)
- Computer Applications (CMAP)
- Cybersecurity (CSEC)
- Information Management (IMGT)
- Medical Insurance Coding (MEDC)
Language Focus Area:
- Complete a minimum of 8 credits from the following departments:
- French (FREN)
- American Sign Language (ASL)
- Spanish (SPAN)
- Or an approved language examination score (i.e., CLEP). All 8 credits MUST be of the same language.
Mathematics and Statistics Focus Area:
- Complete a minimum of 9 credits from the following:
Outdoor Recreation Focus Area:
- Complete a minimum of 9 credits from the Outdoor Recreation (OEAC) department.
Physics Focus Area:
- Complete a minimum of 8 credits from the Physics (PHYS) department.
Political Science Focus Area:
- Complete a minimum of 9 credits from the Political Science (POLS) department.
Psychology Focus Area:
- Complete a minimum of 9 credits from the Psychology (PSYC) department.
Sociology Focus Area:
- Complete a minimum of 9 credits from the Sociology (SOC) department.
Social Work Focus Area:
- Complete a minimum of 9 credits from the Social Work (SOWK) department.
Theatre Focus Area:
- Complete a minimum of 9 credits from the Theatre (THEA) department.