Mar 25, 2025  
2025-2026 Catalog 
2025-2026 Catalog

Graduation Information

Application for Graduation

All candidates for graduation must file a Graduation Application with Mustang Central. The purpose of this procedure is to allow the Registrar to certify whether the student has satisfied all College requirements for graduation. A Graduation Application must be submitted regardless of attendance at commencement.

Graduation (Completion) Application Deadline
Fall (December) November 1
Spring (May) March 1
Summer (July) May 1

Students who are attending commencement are required to purchase their own cap and gown.

General Requirements for All Degrees or Certificates

Degrees and Certificates Offered

The following degrees and certificates are offered at Western:

Associate of Arts: A degree designed for students pursuing the arts, humanities, social sciences, and related disciplines. This degree prepares the student for transfer to a baccalaureate degree program and includes substantial coursework in the humanities, social sciences, arts and liberal arts.

Associate Degree in Nursing: This degree is primarily a technical degree that allows the graduate to apply to take the National Council Licensure examination for registered nursing (NCLEX-RN). This degree will also transfer to some four-year schools for students wishing to complete a BSN.

Associate of Science: A degree designed for students pursuing science, technology, engineering, mathematics, business and related disciplines. This degree prepares the student for transfer to a baccalaureate degree program and includes substantial coursework in mathematics, natural sciences, engineering, business and/or other related disciplines.

Associate of Applied Science: A degree designed for students planning to enter the workplace upon degree completion. This degree has substantial applied coursework associated with the field of study.

Certificates of Completion: These certificates are given in various occupational areas and require completion of a defined group of courses.

Bachelor of Applied Science: A degree primarily for students interested in moving into leadership roles in technical fields.

To graduate, students must complete all requirements of their degree or certificate program. Students may opt to graduate under the current catalog requirements or those of the catalog in place the year they began attending Western Wyoming Community College as long as there has been continuous attendance. Once a student updates to a new catalog year, the student cannot choose to revert back to their original catalog year or choose any other previous catalog year. The Registrar in Mustang Central must approve exceptions.

Students must fulfill the following general requirements before the College will grant a degree or a certificate.           

  • Bachelor of Applied Science Degree: A minimum of 120 credit hours
  • Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, Associate Degree in Nursing, or Associate of Applied Science degree: A minimum of 60 credit hours
    • To obtain a second degree, a student must meet all degree requirements and complete at least 15 additional credit hours at the college that apply toward the second degree.  
  • A cumulative grade point average of 2.00 (a ‘C’ average) or better in all credits attempted at Western Wyoming Community College.
  • All courses within a program must be completed with a ‘C’ or better to earn a credential.
  • 25% of the credits applied to the program must have been completed through Western Wyoming Community College (See Policy 5220D, Transfer Credit Policy).
  • No ‘S/U’ graded courses may be used for graduation, except when prior approval has been obtained through the Curriculum Committee to use the course for graduation.
  • Students may not receive credit for courses that are prerequisites to courses they have already completed.
  • No coursework number less than 1000 (known as remedial courses) shall be applicable to any degree.

General Education Requirements

  • A minimum of 30 general education credits are required for the Bachelor of Applied Science, Associate of Arts, and Associate of Science Degrees.
  • A minimum of 15 general education requirements are required for the Associate of Applied Science Degree.

Bachelor of Applied Science

  • Oral Communication - Minimum of six credits
  • Written Communication - Minimum of six credits
  • Quantitative Literacy - Minimum of three credits
  • Human Cultures - Minimum of three credits
  • Human Societies and the Individual - Minimum of three credits: Wyoming state law requires students to complete a course in the United States and Wyoming constitutions.
  • Computer Technology for Business - Minimum of three credits
  • Business Communication - Minimum of three credits
  • Critical Thinking Courses - Minimum of four credits

Associate of Arts and Associate of Science

  • Western Experience - One to two credits
  • Oral Communication - Minimum of three credits
  • Written Communication - Minimum of three credits
  • Quantitative Literacy - Minimum of three credits
  • Natural Sciences - Minimum of four to eight credits
  • Human Cultures - Minimum of three credits
  • Creative Expression - Minimum of three credits
  • Human Societies and the Individual - Minimum of three credits: Wyoming state law requires students to complete a course in the United States and Wyoming constitutions.
  • Critical Thinking Courses - Three to seven credits

Associate of Applied Science 

  • Written Communication OR Oral Communication - Minimum of three credits
  • Human Societies and the Individual - Minimum of three credits: State law requires students to complete a course in the United States and Wyoming constitutions. 
  • Quantitative Literacy - Minimum of three credits
  • Computer Technology for Business - Minimum of three credits
  • Business Communication - Minimum of three credits

Associate Degree in Nursing

Students must fulfill prerequisites and be accepted to the program. Program requirements are very specific and must be completed as listed. Successful completion of the program allows the graduate to take the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nursing (NCLEX-RN). See the College catalog for the course requirements.   


Each certificate program has specific course requirements as determined by the Curriculum Committee.

Double Major

A double major is a program of study that meets the requirements of two distinct majors in a single associate’s degree (i.e., both programs are AA programs). The program of study consists of courses required to meet the degree requirements for each of the two majors, together with the courses needed to meet the general education requirements for the degree. The minimum number of credit hours required for a double major equals the total number of credit hours required for the major, which comprises the larger number of credit hours for the degree.

Students may apply the same coursework towards the fulfillment of requirements for both majors; however, nine major credits must be distinctive to the second major. 

Dual Degree

A dual degree program is one in which the student works towards satisfying the academic requirements for two distinct degree types in an integrated fashion (i.e., one program is an AA degree, the other program is an AS degree). Students may apply the same coursework toward the fulfillment of the requirements for both degrees. To achieve the academic depth and breadth implied by a program of study that results in the awarding of two associate degrees, a dual degree program consists of substantial additional coursework as compared to that required for a double major, namely, a minimum of 15 additional semester hours beyond the credit hours required for the degree program comprised of the smaller number of credits. Students who complete a dual degree program receive two diplomas, one for each degree earned.

Candidates for Certificates

Candidates for certificate programs must complete all courses listed under the program description for that certificate before the certificate will be awarded. Many of our Certificates can be ‘nested’ in a degree program. Students may declare certificates that ‘feed’ into their degree program (i.e., The Supervision and Leadership Certificate is commonly sought by students in a Business degree program).

The Commencement Ceremony

Western Wyoming Community College holds the annual Commencement ceremony for graduating students every May in the Rushmore Gymnasium on the main campus in Rock Springs.

  • Students are strongly encouraged to attend commencement ceremonies. Students are eligible to participate in the commencement ceremony if they graduate at any time in the academic year. Students completing their studies in the previous Summer, the current Fall, current Spring, and following Summer terms are eligible to attend Commencement. 
  • A student may only participate in the Commencement ceremony if they have completed all required coursework for any degrees or certificates awarded at that time. If completion is expected in the following Summer term, the student may participate in the May ceremony so long as they are registered for courses that will complete their studies.