Estimated Annual Cost
In-state |
WUE* |
Out-of-state |
Tuition and Required Fees** |
$3,648 |
$4,920 |
$8,688 |
Books and Supplies |
$1,600 - $2,400 |
Board (10-meal plan) |
$867.00 - $1,930.50 |
Residence (Dorm Room) |
$3,320 - $9,240 |
Estimated Annual Expense |
$12,534.75 |
$13,806.75 |
$17,574.75 |
*Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE). Students are considered as WUE-state residence if their residency state is one of the following: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, Hawai’i, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, or Washington.
**Based on 12 credit hours per semester for Spring and Fall semesters only.
It should be clearly understood that these figures are ONLY estimates and averages for students who live on campus and are taking 12 credits. Local students commuting to campus would probably not require these amounts.
Tuition and Fees
The following schedule shows the charges for credit classes. Students taking 12 or more credit hours per semester are classified as full-time. Those enrolling for 11 credit hours or less per semester are classified as part-time students. Sweetwater County residents aged 60 years or over may enroll in in-person classes at the college, with tuition payment waived. Special fees for laboratory supplies or other costs remain the financial responsibility of each student, regardless of age, and cannot be waived.
The College Board of Trustees reserves the right to change tuition and fees at any time.
Tuition Rates plus Required Fees per Credit Hour |
Residents of Wyoming |
WUE State Residents |
Out-of-State/Non-WUE |
$152/credit hour |
$205/credit hour |
$362/credit hour |
Students registered in 6 or more credits may choose a payment plan option (3 payments, $50 setup fee). Once classes begin, the refund schedule goes into effect. Students who leave Western owing tuition and fees are still responsible for payment. Bad debts are submitted to the collection agency and are subject to collection fees. Payment plans are not available for the Summer term.
Course Fees
Fees attached to individual courses are as follows:
Course |
Description |
25-26 Fee |
ACCT 1510 |
Quickbooks Certification Exam |
$108.00 |
All AFVT Courses |
$40.00 |
ANTH 1100 |
Physical Anthropology |
$25.00 |
ANTH 2310 |
Archaeology Field Methods |
$150.00 |
ART 1001 |
General Art |
$15.00 |
ART 1120 |
Foundation: Three-Dimensional |
$60.00 |
ART 1150 |
Black and White Film Photography I |
$25.00 |
ART 1160 |
Black and White Film Photography II |
$25.00 |
ART 2090 |
Printmaking |
$60.00 |
ART 2145 |
Digital Photography I |
$20.00 |
ART 2210 |
Painting I |
$15.00 |
ART 2220 |
Painting II |
$15.00 |
ART 2310 |
Sculpture I |
$110.00 |
ART 2410 |
Ceramics I |
$120.00 |
ART 2420 |
Ceramics II |
$120.00 |
ART 2430 |
Ceramics III |
$120.00 |
ART 2440 |
Ceramics IV |
$120.00 |
ART 2445 |
Ceramics Studio |
$150.00 |
ART 2485 |
Special Projects in Ceramics |
$150.00 |
All AUTO Courses |
$40.00 |
All BAS Courses |
$5.00 |
All Biology Courses |
$55.00 |
All CHEM Courses |
$70.00 |
CIS 1510 |
CompTIA Certification Exam |
$262.00 |
All CMAP Courses |
$25.00 |
CMAP 1884 |
Adobe Certification Exam |
$79.00 |
CMAP 1916 |
Microsoft Certification Exam |
$94.00 |
All CMPT Courses |
$30.00 |
All COSC Courses |
$35.00 |
All DESL Courses |
$40.00 |
EDEL 2170 |
Art in the Elementary School |
$45.00 |
ELAP 1515 - 1585 |
Electrical Apprenticeship 1A-4B |
$20.00 |
All ELTR Courses |
$25.00 |
ENGL 1010 |
English Composition I |
$10.00 |
ENTO 1001 |
Insect Biology |
$55.00 |
All EQIP Courses |
$50.00 |
ES 1000 |
Orientation to Engineering Study |
$35.00 |
ES 1060 |
Engineering Computing |
$50.00 |
ES 1070 |
Solid Modeling I |
$50.00 |
ES 2110 |
Statics |
$50.00 |
ES 2120 |
Dynamics |
$50.00 |
ES 2210 |
Electric Circuit Analysis |
$50.00 |
ES 2230 |
Computer Aided Drafting |
$50.00 |
ES 2240 |
Advanced Computer Aided Drafting |
$50.00 |
ES 2310 |
Thermodynamics |
$50.00 |
ES 2330 |
Fluid Dynamics |
$50.00 |
ES 2410 |
Mechanics of Materials |
$50.00 |
All GEOL Courses |
$35.00 |
GEOL 2080 |
General Field Geology |
$167.00 |
HLED 1003 |
Wellness |
$30.00 |
HLED 1411 |
Nutrition |
$30.00 |
IMGT 1000 |
Intro to Virtual Reality |
$40.00 |
IMGT 1500 |
Information Management Certification Exam |
$220.00 |
All INDM Courses |
$35.00 |
All KIN Courses not Listed |
$50.00 |
KIN 2135 |
Personal Trainer Education |
$400.00 |
All MCH Courses |
$35.00 |
MEDC 1500 |
Medical Industry Certification Exam |
$630.00 |
MOLB 2210 |
General Microbiology |
$55.00 |
MUSC Private Lesson |
Voice 1/2 hr lesson |
$125.00 |
MUSC Private Lesson |
Voice 1 hr lesson |
$250.00 |
NRST 1510 |
Nursing Assistant |
$75.00 |
Nursing Program Fee (assessed on 1100, 1200, 2300, 2400) |
$150.00 |
NURS 1100 |
Professional Nursing Care Promotion |
$300.00 |
NURS 1200 |
Professional Nursing Care Chronic Illness |
$200.00 |
NURS 2300 |
Professional Nursing Care Acute Illness |
$200.00 |
NURS 2400 |
Professional Nursing Care Complex Illness |
$200.00 |
OEAC 1222 |
Wilderness First Aid and Survival |
$165.00 |
All OGPT Courses |
$35.00 |
Wellness Center, Pool, Auxiliary Gym or Weight Room Course |
$25.00 |
All Outdoor Courses without a Set Fee |
$25.00 |
PEAC 1000 |
Physical Conditioning |
$25.00 |
PEAC 1015 |
Beginning Skin and Scuba |
$90.00 |
PEAC 1254 |
Snowboard Riding |
$150.00 |
PEAC 1258 |
Downhill Skiing I |
$150.00 |
PEAC 1259 |
Beginning Cross-Country Skiing |
$40.00 |
PEAC 1260 |
Beginning Volleyball |
$15.00 |
PEAC 1280 |
Fly Fishing I |
$35.00 |
PEAC 1287 |
Rock Climbing I |
$35.00 |
PEAC 1295 |
Beginning Backpacking |
$55.00 |
PEAC 1296 |
Desert Living Skills |
$15.00 |
PEAC 1297 |
Whitewater Rafting |
$75.00 |
PEAC 1308 |
Hike and Fish |
$50.00 |
PEAC 1309 |
Hike-Camp-Fish |
$55.00 |
PEAC 1320 |
Big Game Habitat Skills |
$75.00 |
PEAC 2012 |
Advanced Scuba Diving |
$90.00 |
PEAC 2017 |
Water Safety Instructor |
$45.00 |
PEAC 2018 |
Lifeguard Training |
$45.00 |
PEAC 2280 |
Fly Fishing II |
$35.00 |
PHLB 1810 |
Phlebotomy Principles and Practices |
$160.00 |
All PHYS Courses |
$70.00 |
PLOP 1540 |
Plant Operations IV |
$70.00 |
All POLT Courses |
$250.00 |
All PSYC Courses |
$10.00 |
REWM 2000 |
Principles of Rangeland Management |
$55.00 |
REWM 2500 |
Rangeland Plant Identification |
$50.00 |
REWM 2100 |
Forest Management |
$55.00 |
SUBS 1520 |
Motor Controls |
$25.00 |
TECH 1550 |
General Metallurgy |
$20.00 |
TECH 1600 |
Industrial Safety |
$20.00 |
TECH 1650 |
Natrium Nuclear Plant Safety |
$30.00 |
TECH 1680 |
Reading Technical Schematics |
$20.00 |
THEA 2340 |
Musical Theater Voice 1/2 Hour |
$100.00 |
THEA 2340 |
Musical Theater Voice 1 Hour |
$200.00 |
CMV 1510 |
Novice CDL Training |
$3,149.00 |
WELD 1725 |
Oxyacetylene Cutting |
$110.00 |
WELD 1760 |
Advanced Shielded Metal Arc Welding |
$220.00 |
WELD 1770 |
Gas Metal Flux Core Arc Welding |
$290.00 |
WELD 1776 |
Flux Core Arc Welding |
$248.00 |
WELD 1780 |
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding |
$290.00 |
WELD 1840 |
Groove Welding Plate |
$290.00 |
WELD 1850 |
Fundamentals of Fabrication |
$154.00 |
WELD 2525 |
Pipe Welding II: Schedule 80 |
$420.00 |
WELD 2530 |
Downhill Pipe Welding |
$335.00 |
WELD 2540 |
Pipe Layout and Fabrication |
$190.00 |
WELD 2650 |
Gas Tungsten Arc - Pipe |
$345.00 |
WELD 2670 |
Welding Inspection Technology |
$140.00 |
WELD 2810 |
Welding Testing Training |
$135.00 |
WELD 2965 |
Directed Study - Welding |
$100.00 |
Distance Learning
Note for course fees: The general course fee is not assessed if the course is taught via the Internet; only the Internet course fee is charged. Some exceptions apply. Internet courses with live labs will charge both the Internet and course fees.
Other Charges
Access Card Replacement |
$20.00 per replacement |
Auditing Classes In-State Tuition |
$152.00 per credit hour |
Auditing Classes WUE Tuition |
$205.00 per credit hour |
Auditing Classes Out-of-State Tuition |
$362.00 per credit hour |
Campus Locker Fees (large locker) |
$5.00 per semester |
Campus Locker Fees (small locker) |
$3.00 per semester |
Placement Testing |
Up to $54.00 per test |
Directed Study Course Fee |
$20.00 per credit hour |
Exercise Science Fitness Center |
-Students |
$25.00 per semester |
-Employees |
Contact the Business Office |
-Community Members |
$75.00 per semester |
Credit Courses
A portion of tuition and fees will be refunded to any student who withdraws officially within the time specified below. The amount refundable depends upon the calendar days a course has been in session. Refunds do not go into effect until signed paperwork is turned in to Mustang Central staff or the appropriate off-campus administrative office.
100% Refunded |
40% Refunded |
0% Refunded |
Full Semester Courses |
1 to 10 Calendar Days |
11 to 24 Calendar Days |
25 Calendar Days and Beyond |
D Block (12-Week Block) |
1 to 8 Calendar Days |
9 to 22 Calendar Days |
23 Calendar Days and Beyond |
E and F Block (8-Week Blocks) |
1 to 5 Calendar Days |
6 to 14 Calendar Days |
15 Calendar Days and Beyond |
A, B, and C Block (5-Week Blocks) |
1 to 3 Calendar Days |
4 to 8 Calendar Days |
9 Calendar Days and Beyond |
Students seeking a refund for any course outside of the refund schedule must submit documentation of extenuating circumstances.
Non-Credit Courses
Generally, tuition and fees are not refundable for non-credit classes. The Registrar or appropriate Vice President may make exceptions for extenuating circumstances.