Mar 25, 2025  
2025-2026 Catalog 
2025-2026 Catalog

General Information

Institutional Overview

Western Wyoming Community College is:

  • A public, non-profit, tax-supported, two-year, coeducational institution granted legislative authority to award degrees
  • Recognized by the Wyoming State Department of Education
  • Recognized by the Veteran’s Administration
  • An Equal Opportunity Employer

Western’s History

Western Wyoming Community College, the fifth of eight community colleges in Wyoming, was established in the fall of 1959. Through the efforts of a citizens’ committee, a campaign was begun, an election was held, and the College and the original district were created.

  • In September 1959, forty students enrolled for college credit courses with five full-time faculty teachers during the evening. The first classes were held in the Rock Springs High School building.
  • In 1960-61, the College moved to Reliance, five miles from Rock Springs, to occupy the former Reliance High School, and daytime classes began. In September 1964, the original district was expanded to include all communities within Sweetwater County, a new Board of Trustees was elected, and the College’s official name became Western Wyoming Community College.
  • Consistent growth of the College led to the inauguration of a $1,822,000 building program on October 4, 1966. On November 11, 1967, ground-breaking ceremonies marked the beginning of construction on a new campus, which was completed in June 1969. Growth continued. In March 1973, voters approved a $1,780,000 bond issue to provide additional instructional facilities. The new Vocational-Technical Education building was ready for occupancy in the fall of 1974, and the College Center building was completed. In 1976, three residence halls were constructed to provide on-campus housing, which was made possible by a State Farm Loan Board loan. The College was granted accreditation by the North Central Association in April 1976.
  • Again, in 1981, the citizens of Sweetwater County demonstrated their support for Western Wyoming Community College by authorizing a building project that cost more than $63,000,000. This major expansion created one of the West’s most modern and beautiful community college campuses. Students who enrolled in 1985 were the first to use the new student housing, Green River Center, and the Technology and Industry shops. Between the fall of 1987 and the fall of 1988, a new student commons area, classrooms and labs, offices, Children’s Center, studios, and theatre were occupied. A new chemistry laboratory was completed for use in the fall of 1993. The construction of a fifth residence hall was approved in December 1994 and completed in August 1997. A sixth, 48-bed residence hall was completed in the fall of 2008. A Compression Technology building was completed in the spring of 2007, and a Diesel Technology addition was completed in the spring of 2008.
  • Through national, state, and county support and support from grants, a new Workforce Services building, a renovation to the Wellness/Athletic Center, and new science labs for biology have been added since 2012.
  • In 2021, the Higher Learning Commission approved Western to offer a Bachelor of Applied Science degree with concentrations in Organizational and Industrial Management.
  • Student numbers have increased from 40 in 1959 to nearly 5,500 in 2019. These figures include all students of varying ages and interests who are enrolled in the credit, non-credit, and extension programs. Full-time students enrolled for college credit courses have increased to 1,100, and full-time equivalent students (FTE) have increased to almost 2,000.
  • In 2024, Western Wyoming Community College celebrated its 65th Anniversary on September 7th in our beautiful Western Commons.
  • Western received its most recent reaffirmation of accreditation in 2023. The College is scheduled for its next reaffirmation in 2032-33.

Western’s Vision Statement

Western will inspire and empower today’s students and communities to create a better Wyoming.

Western’s Mission

In 1991, the Wyoming State Legislature adopted the following mission statement for all Wyoming community colleges under the Post Secondary Omnibus Act:

Wyoming’s community colleges aim to provide access to post-secondary educational opportunities by offering broad, comprehensive programs in academic and vocational-technical subjects. Wyoming’s community colleges are low-tuition, open-access institutions focusing on academic transfer programs, career and occupational programs, developmental and basic skills instruction, adult and continuing education, economic development training, public and community services programming, and student support services.

Western Wyoming Community College is an innovative public community college aimed at empowering, educating, and improving our students, employees, community, and environment. Our focus is to inspire the next generation of visionaries by using Wyoming grit and individual development in diverse learning and flexible services. Western is where Passion meets Purpose.

Western’s Guiding Principles

Western has a set of guiding principles that help guide the college’s planning effort and decision-making. The Guiding Principles are the basis for the College’s culture and approach to teaching and learning.

Learning is Our Purpose

Our primary purpose is to provide high-quality experiences that foster lifelong learning. We offer a comprehensive array of learning outcomes and options, assessed through our five Goals for Student Success.

  • Provide support for faculty and staff to learn new skills and new technologies that strengthen learning.
  • Emphasize active learning experiences that require higher levels of thinking.
  • Document and publicize the improvement of student learning at Western.
  • Provide more learning options so that students can complete a degree or continue to learn without distance, time, or place barriers.
  • Create a more student-driven schedule of classes each summer and semester based on student needs and feedback.

Students are Our Focus

When students succeed, Western succeeds. We are committed to meeting the needs of our diverse student population and creating a welcoming and student-centered environment.

  • Analyze and improve campus services for different segments of students and inform all students of the services available.
  • Create new and adapt existing targeted marketing efforts to reach diverse student populations and be responsive to annual goals.
  • Provide equipment and facilities that are conducive to learning.
  • Provide for student life experiences and learning outside the classroom.
  • Review and refine the orientation, academic advising, and career counseling programs at Western Wyoming Community College.

Employees are Our Most Important Resource

Western strives to attract, retain, and recognize our talent. We value and encourage professional development and career progression for employee enrichment and invite participation in our shared governance processes.

  • Involve employees in the decision-making process.
  • Encourage and support college-wide communication.
  • Acknowledge each individual’s contributions and reward excellence.
  • Provide and promote opportunities for individuals to grow as leaders and professionals.
  • Promote pride and ownership in the College.

The Community is Our Partner

We partner with our service area community members, organizations, businesses, and industries to ensure relevant programs, expand workforce training opportunities, and enhance economic development. 

  • Promote more active connections and involvement in the community.
  • Provide access to facilities that are safe, comfortable, and welcoming.
  • Serve as a center for discussion and debate of community issues.
  • Serve as a cultural resource.
  • Assess and respond to the community’s needs.

Adapting to Change Defines Our Future

The world is consistently changing, and Western strives to meet the changing demands of our students and communities by encouraging and supporting innovation and continuous improvement in everything we do. 

  • Provide an environment where students and staff can adapt positively to change.
  • Conduct research on which to base decisions while encouraging and supporting innovation and informed risk-taking.
  • Evaluate and integrate appropriate technology into our institutional processes.

Data and Integrity Guide Our Decisions

We approach decision-making by analyzing data, gathering multiple perspectives, and implementing solutions transparently and ethically. Respect and integrity are highly-regarded values in how we do business.

  • Value our students, employees, and everyone we interact with, and treat them with respect.
  • Adhere to high standards of academic integrity and professionalism. Implement College policies consistently.
  • Practice ethical decision-making.

Our Governance and Administration

Western Wyoming Community College is under the control of a locally elected Board of Trustees responsible for governing the Western Wyoming Community College District. It is a public, non-profit, tax-supported, coeducational, two-year community college.

Board of Trustees

President: Jenissa Meredith, Green River

Vice President: James Jessen, Rock Springs

Secretary: ​Kenneth Lorimer, Rock Springs

Trustee: Stephen P. Allen, Rock Springs

Trustee: Ozzie Knezovich, Superior

Trustee: Tiffany Marshall, Rock Springs

Treasurer: Robbie Lee, Green River

President’s Cabinet

President: Dr. Kirk Young

Vice President of Academic Affairs (Interim): Beth Gard

Vice President of Student Affairs (Interim): Mark Rembacz

Vice President for Administrative Services:

Associate Vice President of Human Resources: Megan Neal

Associate Vice President of Finance: Debbie Baker

Associate Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness: Mark Rembacz

Dean of Students: Dr. Dustin Conover

Director of Information Technology Services: Derek Robinson


The Higher Learning Commission accredits Western Wyoming Community College. Western is a member of The Open Pathway. The Commission can be reached at:

230 S. LaSalle Street, Suite 7- 500
Chicago, IL 60604 - 1413
(313) 263-0456

(800) 621-7440

Specialized Program Accreditation:

  • Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing

The Western Wyoming College Foundation

The Western Wyoming College Foundation is a nonprofit corporation organized to promote, support, and extend financial support to Western Wyoming Community College. It aids the college’s educational programs and services by providing scholarships and other financial assistance.

The Foundation is authorized by its Articles of Incorporation to accept gifts, bequests, and donations for the use and benefit of Western Wyoming Community College and its students in accordance with the instructions of the various donors.

The various scholarships and grants offered through the Foundation may be found on the website in the Financial Aid section.

The Foundation is managed by seven directors, two of whom are members of the College’s Board of Trustees. The remaining five are from the public at large. A majority vote of the remaining directors fills public at-large vacancies on the Board of Directors.

The current members are:
President: Mr. John Hay III
Vice-President: Ms. Cindy Bailey
Secretary/Treasurer: Vacant
Director: Mr. Carl Demshar
Director: Mr. Craig Nelson
Director: Ms. Amber Kramer
Director: Mr. Neil Korbelas
Director: Mr. Stephen P. Allen

Western Alumni

Graduates of degree and certificate programs and former students who have completed at least one credit are Western alumni. The Community Relations Office is located on the Rock Springs Campus and serves as an information center for current and former students, their families, and friends of the College.

Our Locations

Rock Springs (Main Campus)

The Western Wyoming Community College’s main campus is located in Rock Springs. All college functions and operations are coordinated and supervised from the main campus. The all-enclosed facility provides a modern and attractive learning environment for students from the county, the 29,000 square mile service area, the remainder of Wyoming, and other states and countries. The institution provides on-campus living for students from the local and surrounding areas. The main campus offers a comprehensive array of transfer, technical, and continuing education programming and services. The campus serves as a focal point for the local area, providing meeting space, cultural and social programming, lectures, and other educational events, as well as an art gallery and natural history, wildlife, and dinosaur museums. Local schools utilize the College for field trips and cultural events. The campus, consisting of 435 acres, can be easily reached by car on Interstate 80 and U.S. 191, as well as by Greyhound Bus Lines and air service. The College serves as a resource for current events and information. The Green River Center and Outreach Sites in Western’s service area round out the College’s comprehensive offerings.

Green River Center

The Green River Center, located in Green River, WY, is an extension of Western Wyoming Community College’s Rock Springs campus. Its focus is multipurpose, serving the needs of Green River and the surrounding areas. At the GRC, Western offers students educational opportunities through various formats, including high school dual enrollment, community education, and industry training. The Workforce Development and Community Education offices are also housed at the GRC. The Workforce Development program provides workforce training and professional/continuing education for business, industry, and government agencies. Community Education offers a variety of personal growth and life development courses and workshops.

Services Available:

  • Community Education
  • Workforce Training
  • Workforce Test Proctoring Services
  • Accommodations for shift workers, non-traditional, and part-time students
  • Professional/Continuing Education
  • MSHA Certification
  • Conference and Seminar Facilities
  • Community/Cultural Events

Western Wyoming Community College Service Area and Outreach Centers