Getting Admitted
Western Wyoming Community College (Western) is an equal opportunity institution. Western prohibits discrimination in its practices, programs, and activities. All students wishing to enroll in degree-seeking or non-degree-seeking coursework who meet the minimum age limit and other admission requirements listed below shall be considered for acceptance to Western regardless of age, race, color, religion, creed, gender, national origin, sexual orientation, or disability. Western is committed to maintaining an environment free from discrimination, sexual or other harassment and retaliation.
As an open-enrollment institution, Western grants admission to degree-seeking or non-degree-seeking individuals. This admission pertains to four types of students:
Degree or Certificate Seeking Students
Non-degree Seeking Students - those taking credit courses but not working toward a degree or certificate
High School Dual and Concurrent Students - high school students (16 years or older) in the College’s service area taking credit courses concurrently or through dual credit agreements
Non-Credit Students
Western has an admission/enrollment procedure for each group, including placement testing for advising purposes.
Minimum Age
Western admits students who have reached the legal age or are emancipated and have reached 17 years or older. Western’s President may grant a waiver of the minimum age based on extenuating circumstances unique to the College’s role and mission.
Concurrently enrolled students must be 16-years of age or older unless recommended by their high school principal, Western’s Senior Outreach Coordinator, and BOCES/BOCHES if applicable.
International Students
Western welcomes international students who, in addition to meeting the general requirements for admission, have demonstrated the necessary English language skills, have proved they can financially meet the costs of attendance, and have submitted a health statement signed by a physician.
Denial of Admission, Continued Enrollment or Re-Enrollment
Western’s President or their designee may deny the admission, continued enrollment, or re-enrollment of:
- any individual whose personal history and background indicates that their presence at Western would endanger the health, safety, welfare, or property of the Western community or interfere with the orderly and effective performance of Western’s functions; and/or
- any individual who has misrepresented their credentials or background.
Persons who seek enrollment must be given timely notification of a denial of admission.
Acceptance to Western does not guarantee admission to all majors, as specific programs may have prerequisites to facilitate successful completion. Western’s President may identify programs in which Western receives more applications than the available laboratory space can accommodate or that are deemed impractical for instruction. These are identified as high-demand programs, and enrollment may be based on special screening tools and/or “first-come, first-served” registration. The right to deny admission to any applicant to specific programs is reserved per the established and published procedures. Western shall define and publish appeal procedures for persons denied admission.
Degree Seeking or Certificate Students
Persons applying for a degree or certificate program must do the following:
- Complete and submit an admission application.
Submit an official transcript from the last accredited high school showing the diploma date OR submit an official high school equivalency test score.
Submit transcript(s) from previous colleges attended only if seeking transfer credit.
All transcripts and test scores become the property of Western Wyoming Community College and will not be returned to the student, even if the student decides not to enroll. Students who have been out of high school longer than five years need only submit proof of high school graduation. Students who have not completed high school may enroll conditionally in a degree program and must complete high school equivalency by the time they are halfway through the degree program. Students who have been homeschooled or have attended non-accredited high schools must provide a national equivalency certificate and transcript or take the high school equivalency exam.
- Submit American College Test (ACT) scores.
Although not required for admission, the test is used for course placement. For students seeking certain scholarships, ACT scores are required. It is strongly recommended for those planning to transfer to a four-year college or university.
Western gives conditional acceptance to students who do not have a high school diploma or equivalency, or cannot provide a college transcript because the student is currently enrolled at another institution.
The Director of Admissions and Advising will consider exceptions to admission requirements.
Non-degree Seeking Students
Non-degree students are those who take credit courses and are not working toward a degree or credit-bearing certificate. These students need not apply for admission. They will follow the process for registering for classes.
High School Students
High school students, age 16 or older, who are enrolled in Wyoming high schools may take college credit courses concurrently or as a part of a dual enrollment program. These students must meet eligibility criteria established by the college and the school district.
Non-Credit Students
These are students taking non-credit courses for workforce and industry training or personal enrichment. These students fill out a non-credit registration form.
Student Classification
Students are classified by academic year and admission status according to the following definitions:
Academic Year:
First-year student: Successful completion of fewer than 30 college-level semester credit hours.
Sophomore: Successful completion of 30 to 59 college-level semester credit hours.
Junior: Successful completion of 60 to 89 college-level semester credit hours.
Senior: Successful completion of 90 or more college-level semester credit hours.
Unclassified: Awarded a degree at the associate level or above.
Admission Status:
- New Student: Attending Western Wyoming Community College for the first time.
Continuing Student: Attended Western Wyoming Community College within the past three months.
Returning Student: Has not attended Western Wyoming Community College within the past six months and re-entering Western.
Transfer Student: Some prior college or university experience.
Concurrent Student/Dual Enrollment Student: High School student earning college credit.
Transfer Admission
Western Wyoming Community College will accept credit earned (in semester hours) from other accredited two-year and four-year colleges in the United States. Academic status at the time of admission and credits acceptable toward an Associate of Arts Degree, Associate Degree in Nursing, Associate of Science Degree, Associate of Applied Science Degree, Bachelor of Applied Science Degree, or a certificate program will be determined by Mustang Central staff. A maximum of 45 semester hours of transfer credit may be accepted toward Western associate degrees, and a maximum of 90 semester hours of transfer credit may be accepted toward Western bachelor’s degrees.
In addition to the requirements for degree or certificate students, policies relating to transfer admissions are as follows:
Transfer Credits
Western shall evaluate all transfer of credit from colleges and universities with an official evaluation. Western does not guarantee transferability of any credits. The Registrar reserves the right to determine acceptable credits. Students must submit official copies of transcripts from each institution attended.
- Credit is accepted from regionally accredited institutions listed in the American Council on Education’s Accredited Institutions of Post-Secondary Education.
- Transcript evaluations are completed for students who are accepted for admission. (Walk-ins or late applicants will not be evaluated until after the add period.) The transcript evaluation indicates which coursework is equivalent to Western courses and courses accepted under general divisions (i.e., History of Germany would be accepted as a history elective course even though the College does not have a direct equivalent). Only courses found to be equivalent with Western courses will be accepted. Exceptions are made on an individual basis. Questions about equivalency are referred to the appropriate department for determination.
- All coursework the student completes is listed on the Western transcript. However, a minimum of 25% of the total credits required for the student’s program must be earned at Western.
- Transfer coursework with grades of ‘C’ or better will transfer to Western. GPA does not transfer or add to the Western cumulative grade point average (CGPA). For those graduates who complete less than half of their credits at Western, previous CGPAs will be added to the Western CGPA to determine that a 2.00 CGPA has been maintained.
- Western does not accept theology/religion courses as transfer credit.
- Western does not accept computer science or healthcare credits earned over five years before the time the transcript evaluation is processed.
- Students may be required to submit course descriptions to prove equivalency if any course’s content is not apparent or a catalog is not on file with Mustang Central.
- Credit from an institution on the quarter system is converted to semester hours (one-quarter hour equals two-thirds of a semester hour). Fractions of hours are not rounded up.
- Transfer coursework completed more than ten years ago is subject to review. Prerequisite courses and courses requiring current knowledge for specialized and technical certificates or degrees will not be accepted. Students may challenge or retake these courses.
Students transferring U.S. Government courses from out-of-state will still be required to complete the Wyoming Government and Constitution requirements (POLS 1000 and/or POLS 1100) for graduation.
Once a student submits an official transcript to Western, it becomes the property of the College and will not be released to a third party. If the student wants a copy of their record from another college, it must be requested directly from that institution. This protects the student’s rights and the credibility and integrity of the other institution and its transcripts.
Alternative Options for Credit
The Board believes there is validity in learning from life experience. The College shall develop procedures that allow for granting a student credit for learning acquired from work or life experience, participating in courses or training sponsored by professional associations, businesses, industry, unions, the government, and the military or College Level Examination Program (CLEP) or other recognized testing entity.
CLEP Examinations
A student who earns a specified score on a College Level Examination Program (CLEP) exam can receive college credit for that course. There is a fee for each exam. Further information on fees, subject tests, required scores, and scheduling is available in Mustang Central.
Students must achieve a specified score and have an active Western transcript to receive credit for these exams. Since these core requirements are constantly under review, students should discuss the current requirements with Registration and Records.
There are two ways by which a student may test for college credit without enrolling in a college course:
- The Educational Testing Service sponsors the College Level Examination Program (CLEP), which is a nationally accepted alternative college credit program. Western is an approved National Test Center and administers computer-based CLEP examinations to any person who wishes to be tested; however, credit will only be transferred to Western transcripts for testing candidates with an active Western transcript. CLEP exams are administered individually and proctored in Western’s Testing Center. Western’s Testing Center should be contacted directly for more information on fees, subject tests, and scheduling. Students can also visit the CLEP website at See the chart below for the CLEP Test scores required to earn equivalent credit at Western. The Registrar must approve other language assessments.
- For any subject in which a CLEP Test (or approved language assessment) is unavailable, credit by exam may be an option (see below). Examination determines if the student’s proficiency is equivalent to that expected upon completion of a college-level course in the subject. If the student is found to have this level of proficiency, they are awarded credit for that course and allowed to proceed with the more advanced course or with other courses in other areas.
Forty hours of credit earned through challenge and CLEP (or approved language assessment) may be counted toward Western Wyoming Community College graduation.
*Note: The prerequisite for the College Composition Modular is successful completion of ENGL 1010 or the CLEP College Composition.
Advanced Placement
The College Board sponsors the Advanced Placement (AP) program. It offers secondary school students the opportunity to participate in college-level coursework in high school and to take a national test at the end of their course.
Western accepts AP scores of 3 or higher. See the individual exams for which Western awards credit and the required scores below.
There is no charge for this credit, and credit is listed on the student’s Western transcript at the time of matriculation.
Western Equivalences are listed below:
**POLS 1100 is needed to = POLS and HIST 1210 credit
Credit by Examination
A student may request credit by examination for any course for which a CLEP test is unavailable. If the exam indicates the student is as proficient as a typical student who completes the course, Western will award that student credit for that course.
Furthermore, the student can take an advanced course or proceed to other courses. Four conditions, however, apply:
Students must be enrolled at Western.
Students cannot take the exam during the last thirty calendar days of the semester.
Students cannot earn credit by examination if they have completed a higher-level course in the same subject.
They must pay the established fee to take the examination.
Life Experience
The College may grant a maximum of 40 credit hours for life experience learning toward an associate degree. However, transferring these life experience credits to other institutions is at their discretion. Grades on these courses are noted as either S or U on the student’s transcripts.
The College may grant these credits in four (4) ways to a current student:
- By taking the appropriate College Level Examination Program (CLEP) examinations or other language assessments approved by the Registrar.
- Taking an institutional course challenge examination if no CLEP test is available in that course area.
- By having gained extra-institutional learning in courses and programs listed in the Cooperative Assessment of Experimental Learning of the Education Testing Service, Princeton, New Jersey; Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services and The National Guide to Credit Recommendations for Non-collegiate Courses published by the American Council on Education.
- Documentation of formal training must be submitted to Mustang Central. The College Faculty reviews the material and, if appropriate, makes a credit recommendation. This process can only be applied to work corresponding to a specific course offered at Western. To qualify for Life Experience credit, the student must be enrolled at Western.
Grades granted for extra-institutional learning will be duly noted on the transcript, and S-U grades will be assigned when appropriate.
A maximum of 40 hours for extra-institutional learning toward an associate degree can be granted.
Outside Courses and Programs
Students may receive college credit if they have taken courses or programs, for example, while working for a business or in the military, and these courses are listed in an appropriate credit assessment guide.
Students with military service will also receive credit for physical education based on the Accreditation of Service Experiences’ recommendations. Credit will also be given to students who have completed advanced military science courses. Students must request credit for military service in writing and must submit appropriate documentation.
Credit for Similar Work
If students believe they have completed work corresponding to the work required for a particular Western course, they may submit a written request to the Registrar for credit. The student must submit supporting material and documentation. The Registrar will review the material and forward it to the Division Chairperson and the appropriate instructor for a recommendation. The Registrar will notify the student of the results. Credit by Examination.