Mar 25, 2025  
2025-2026 Catalog 
2025-2026 Catalog

Student Support

College and Career Readiness Center

Change your life! Get the opportunity to have more doors open to you! College and Career Readiness at Western Wyoming Community College is here to help you get a better job and career by improving necessary skills for continued education through a variety of ways in academics, communication skills, and college and career transitions. Students must be at least 16 years old. Classes are non-credit and free. The following programs of study are offered through College and Career Readiness:

High School Equivalency Certificate

Earning your high school equivalency certificate (HSEC, formerly known as GED) is a critical piece of improving your options for future education or employment. High school equivalency programs are offered throughout the state at each of the Wyoming community colleges and through a number of outreach centers.

  • This program is for people who want to earn their High School Equivalency Certificate. This program includes pre-testing, classes and/or labs, computer and soft skills training, official practice testing, HiSET testing, and transitions to college and career. Once you earn your HSEC, we can help pay for a college class at Western.
  • Our program offers the HiSET test in both paper and computer options. This test is a federal and state-approved HSEC assessment.

Option III

This program is for High School students who need credits to graduate. They can earn up to 4 credits, taking 1 or 2 at a time in English, Math, Social Studies, and Science. The student must be recommended by their High School counselor and pass a pre-test at the 9th-grade level to qualify. 

English as a Second Language (ESL)

English as a Second Language (ESL) is for non-native English speakers wanting help understanding, speaking, reading, and writing the English language. Students become more integrated into society by learning about American culture, customs, and the rights and responsibilities of citizenship. We offer non-credit classes in the morning and evening. Our program also offers a Pre-Citizenship course in the Spring to assist students with the Citizenship test.


Pre-Citizenship classes are offered in the spring (min. 10 students). This course helps students prepare for the U.S. Citizenship test. It teaches the necessary information to be able to fill out an application for Citizenship and to be able to answer the oral and written tests administered by the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) in order to become a citizen. 

In order to apply for naturalization, a person must:    

  • Be at least 18 years of age.
  • Be a lawful permanent U.S. resident and have resided in the U.S. continuously for at least 5 years just before filing a petition for naturalization or be a lawful permanent U.S. resident for 3 years, having been married to a U.S. citizen for those 3 years, and continue to be married to that U.S. citizen. They must have resided continuously in the U.S. for those 3 years.
  • Have resided at least the last six months of that 5- or 3-year residence in the state where the petition is filed.
  • Be of good moral character and loyal to the U.S.
  • Be able to understand, speak, read, and write simple English.
  • Possess some knowledge about U.S. history and government.

Educational Enrichment

This is for students who have their high school diploma or equivalency and want to “brush up” or improve their academic skills to upgrade their employment opportunities or pursue further education. 

Workforce Development

Workforce Development at Western Wyoming Community College is committed to encouraging local economic development by cultivating partnerships to provide comprehensive services to the residents and businesses in our service area. The department offers a wide variety of non-credit classes that enrich the lives of adults. Services include customized contract training for business and industry, short-term career training and professional development programs, and lifelong learning.


The College competes in Division I of the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA) intercollegiate men’s and women’s basketball, men’s wrestling, women’s soccer, and women’s volleyball. Western Wyoming Community College is a member of Region 9, which is made up of community colleges in Wyoming, Nebraska, and Colorado. A number of athletic grants for both men and women are available.

Student Housing

Western offers several different varieties of styles and floor plans to suit every taste. From social, suite-style rooms to more private apartments, Western provides each student with a comfortable home away from home. Living on campus gives you opportunities to make new friends and enjoy new experiences every semester. Western provides a robust Residence Life program that gives our students the opportunity to continue learning outside of the classroom.

Our outstanding buildings and rooms are designed in a way that not only provides our residents with the opportunity to have roommates and enjoy living with fellow students but also gives them the privacy and personal space that we know is important. We pride ourselves in the fact that our residents will never share their living, sleeping, and bathroom areas with more than three people, unlike what you may find at other colleges and universities.

Our resident assistants do a fine job of providing our residents with programs that are educational, fun, and free. Our Resident Assistants (RAs) organize and plan events in the residence halls to help residents come together to make friends and rely on one another. The events all give an opportunity to learn and share their ideas about how to make our residence halls even better. 

Student Storehouse

The Student Storehouse is a FREE, private amenity for ALL students at Western to partake in! The Storehouse contains food, soaps, and winter coats. You can use anything you need, as much as you need, and as often as you need.

You have two options to use this service:
  • Go to the Student Storehouse on Campus.
    • The Student Storehouse is located in the Dean of Students Office in Room 2006 (on the second floor across from the elevators).
    • We have bags available, or you can bring your own.
    • No appointment is needed; just come on in!
  • Make an order using the Student Storehouse Request Form on your MyWestern account.
    • When your order is ready to be picked up, you will receive an email from Student Life.
    • This email will have directions on the pickup procedure.

Student Organizations and Activities

Every credit student is given the right to participate in student organizations, compete in intramural athletics, gain free admission to athletic events sponsored by the college, and participate in certain social and cultural activities in the community.

The Student Government Association is composed of twenty positions - president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, Senate Speaker, Campus Activities Board (CAB) Coordinator, seven Senators, and seven CAB members.

Western believes that the student must be actively involved in the operation of the institution if their education is to be complete. It is the responsibility of the Student Government to promote activities that stimulate the intellectual, physical, and social life of the campus. Traditionally, the Student Government Association sponsors College dances and social events as well as lectures and other entertainment. Efforts have been made to expand the educational, cultural, and civic involvement of the Associated Students in the total life of the campus, thus involving the student leader and their constituency in the decision-making process related to pertinent issues of the College and the contemporary world.

Office of Wellbeing and Accessibility

The mission of the Office of Wellbeing and Accessibility is to support and empower Western Wyoming Community College students as they strive for personal, social, and academic success. The Office of Wellbeing and Accessibility offers a wide range of services, on campus and online, to assist students in this endeavor.

Peer Support and Case Management

Peer support is offered by a certified peer specialist who has a lived experience. This service complements counseling services but does not replace a therapeutic service. A peer specialist supports students in a confidential setting through a person-centered, recovery-oriented, and trauma-informed approach. Case management services are also provided to ensure that students have the resources and support they need to be successful.


Wellbeing and Accessibility offers confidential counseling and related services to credit-seeking students. Licensed mental health professionals are available to help students who may experience personal or academic problems. Services include individual counseling sessions either on campus with Wellbeing and Accessibility staff or online through the Wellbeing and Accessibility partnership with the UWill online mental health platform. Additionally, Wellbeing and Accessibility offers unlimited group counseling, wellness workshops, and crisis and emergency services. Crisis services are provided on campus by Wellbeing and Accessibility staff or through the UWill 24/7 crisis line at 1-833-646-1526.   

Students can schedule appointments in the Office of Wellbeing and Accessibility, Room 1227, or call (307) 382-1652. In the event of a crisis or emergency after hours, students can contact UWill 24/7 crisis line at 1-833-646-1526, Protective Services at (307) 922-4961, Southwest Counseling Service Crisis Line at (307) 352-6677 or should dial 911 in case of imminent harm and threat.  

Services for Students with Disabilities

The disability and accessibility program is dedicated to promoting full participation and benefits for students with disabilities in all activities and programs in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Students with a documented disability may qualify for reasonable classroom, testing, and housing accommodations. Students can schedule an appointment to meet with the Accessibility Specialist in the Office of Wellbeing and Accessibility, room 1227, or call (307) 382-1652. They should bring documentation of the disability for which they are seeking accommodation.


A variety of free educational workshops, seminars, activities, and events are offered through the Office of Wellbeing and Accessibility. Typically, these events are designed to facilitate personal, social, and academic growth, success, and overall well-being. Wellbeing and Accessibility Professionals facilitate workshops and attempt to address the current needs and concerns of students. On-campus groups may request or schedule workshops by contacting the Office of Wellbeing and Accessibility, Room 1227, (307) 382-1652.

Relaxation Room

Wellbeing and Accessibility offers a relaxation room fully equipped with two massage chairs, a meditation pillow, a sound machine, and aroma therapy. This room is open to all members of the campus community. Just check in and enjoy complete relaxation for up to thirty minutes per session.


The College Bookstore’s goal is to serve the educational institution of which it is a part. The desire is to operate as a service to the students and faculty with the purpose of providing the required tools of education. The philosophy is to operate the Bookstore as efficiently as possible, emphasizing service.

The Bookstore is owned and maintained by Western Wyoming Community College and is located in the central area near the pendulum. 

Order or reserve textbooks online at Textbooks can be reserved online four weeks prior to the beginning of the course. The website has additional details.

Each instructor supplies book orders to the bookstore prior to every semester. Instructors are given the freedom of choice as to what textbooks they wish to use for their classes. These textbooks are placed on shelves within the store by class and instructor’s name. Students should check their schedule when buying books, or even attend class once before purchase, so that they purchase the correct books.

Should a book need to be returned, the student must present the receipt, and the book must be absolutely clean and in resalable condition (i.e., no marks, no name) to obtain a full refund prior to the posted deadline.

The publisher establishes new book prices. The Bookstore will make every effort to have used textbooks and other alternative formats available. The Bookstore also has several titles available for rent each semester, both online and in the store.

The Bookstore offers the service of buying used books from students during finals week. Posters will be placed throughout the campus, informing students of the actual date of the buyback.

The Bookstore has a fairly good supply of general reading material, as well as study guides and reference books. Any book not in stock can be special ordered. Supplies are also an integral part of the Western Bookstore. Basic school supplies, as well as art and drafting supplies, are kept in stock. Instructors are encouraged to inform the bookstore staff of special supplies that students may need so that the Bookstore can make certain the items are available for purchase.

Hay Library and Learning Commons

Hay Library

Hay Library maintains and develops collections of resources for the use of students, faculty and staff, and community members and provides welcoming and inclusive spaces for learning and leisure. Our collections include over 40,000 print books, 100 current print periodical subscriptions with extensive holdings of past issues, more than 2,500 audiovisual items, and millions of e-books, digital articles, and online multimedia resources through 115 databases.

The Library was designated as a selective federal depository in 1969 to serve the government information needs of the citizens of Wyoming.

WYLDCAT (Wyoming Libraries Database Catalog on the Web) offers bibliographic access to all materials in all Wyoming libraries, with the exception of the University of Wyoming. The Library staff provides research assistance and library use instruction. Hay Library participates in state and national interlibrary loan networks to obtain books and other items not available locally.

All residents of Wyoming may check out library materials.

There are various areas for reading and studying in the library, including 9 private and 3 group study rooms. We have 11 computer stations, print services, a photocopy and fax machine available for use.

Library Hours:


7:30 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.


7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.


1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.



Hours vary during the summer, semester breaks, and holidays. Additional weekend hours are added during finals. Hay Library is always available virtually at

Tutoring and Writing Center

Peer Tutoring and Writing help are newly located in Room 2052, outside the library. The center is certified through the College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA) as an internationally recognized program. Tutoring is free to all Western Wyoming Community College students and is available in a variety of course areas for students on a drop-in basis or by appointment. Outreach students may call and make a tutoring appointment online. We also provide academic assistance and specialized equipment available for students with special needs.

Drop-in Hours:

Monday - Friday 8:00 AM to 6:30 PM

Testing Center

Test proctoring, newly located in Room 2051, is available for students with special accommodations requirements, those who need make-up exams, and students in distance learning programs with colleges other than Western. Contact the Center directly to set a test proctoring appointment at (307) 382-1707 or email

Children’s Center

The Western Wyoming Community College Children’s Center, located next to the gymnasium and adjacent to the Aquatic Center, is a spacious, modern facility. Childcare is available during the day to children of any parent taking classes at Western. The Center is also available to the children of faculty, staff, and staff relatives (grandchildren, nieces, and nephews) based on availability.

The Children’s Center operates according to the Academic Calendar and is available in the fall, spring, and summer semesters. A fee is charged for each child attending the Center based on the number of credits for which the parent is registered and the time the parent spends on campus. Faculty and staff pay a per day or a half-day daily fee. There is a supply fee for each child registered; please contact the Director for more information. Hours are 7:45 am-5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. Summer hours are 7:00 am-6:00 pm, Monday through Thursday.

Children must be aged two through five to participate. The Children’s Center operates three classes according to age, “Bunnies” are 2-3 years old, “Bears” are 3-4 years old, and “Turtles” are 4-5 years old. Children must turn two on or before August 1st of the current year to attend. Qualified teachers and aides staff each class. Students must provide a copy of their class schedule and a current immunization record for their child. All children must be toilet-trained unless they are in the two-year-old class.

The Children’s Center also provides a Friday program for kindergarten through second-grade children to help students and staff parents with childcare on Fridays. This program focuses on providing a variety of activities, including art projects, campus walks, gross motor activities, and free play. Children of students, faculty, staff, and relatives of faculty and staff may be enrolled in the program, which runs from 7:45-3:30 on Fridays.

In addition to serving the parents of young children, the Children’s Center provides observation and field experience for a variety of disciplines on campus, including nursing, education, and psychology. Not only does the Children’s Center maintain a high-quality care and education experience for the children who are served there, but it also provides practical opportunities for Western Wyoming Community College students.

Lifelong Learning

Western Wyoming Community College is dedicated to providing lifelong education for a diverse and changing society. In fulfilling this mission, the College is committed to providing workforce training, professional/continuing education, and community education. Learning resources are shared with all students as they seek and meet the challenges of careers, new technologies, personal life transitions, and personal growth. Activities and classes vary in length and provide students with the opportunity to improve professional, technical, business, and interpersonal skills.

Professional/Continuing Education
Professional and continuing education classes and activities provide job skills necessary to remain in or advance in the workforce. These include a variety of classes, customized contract training, testing, workshops, conferences, seminars, and online classes. CEUs (Continuing Education Units) and/or college credit may be awarded upon successful course completion.

Workforce Training
Workforce Training classes and activities provide job skills necessary to enter specific sectors of the workforce quickly. Many of these classes and activities award CEUs and may provide eligibility to earn credit toward certificate or degree programs.

Community Education
Community Education classes and activities provide personal growth opportunities for community members of all ages. These include a variety of classes, seminars, lecture series, forum series, cultural activities, and community development activities. Community Education courses are offered for non-credit. Charges associated with an individual class or event are based upon the direct cost of offering the class or event plus an administrative fee of up to 35%.

Swimming Pool

Entrance Fees for Pool / Hot Tub / Saunas
       Students and Employees Free                                                      
  General Pass (Individual) $50 per semester
  General Pass (Family) $85 per semester
           General Passes are 1/2 price for the summer term
  Per Session Admission for everyone (regardless of age) $3.00
  Punch Pass (10 Punches per pass) $30



Identification Cards

Identification Cards are created at three different locations on campus, depending on the needs of the staff or student. 

  1. All Western full- and part-time students who are NOT living in student housing are eligible for a student ID at no charge and may obtain one by visiting Mustang Central.
  2. All Western students who ARE residing in student housing are eligible for a student ID at no charge and may obtain one by visiting the Student Housing department.  At that time, the card will be coded with the correct building access(es) and any accessibility needs (elevator access, etc.), as well as meal plan access. 
  3. Staff and contractors may obtain an ID card from IT.  In addition, IT is able to add Wellness Center access to the ID cards (with a receipt to prove payment).

Facility Use

Western Wyoming Community College makes every effort to open its facilities for meetings and events to the public. If there are any scheduling conflicts with instructional programs, the College  (Rock Springs and Green River campuses) will take precedence. Interested persons can contact Physical Resources at (307) 382-1680. Fees may be assessed for custodial, security, and facilities use.