Jan 17, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

Academic Policies

General Academic Policies

Academic Honors

There are three types of academic honors at Western Wyoming Community College:

  1. Honor Rolls -Full-time students who complete twelve credit hours during a semester with letter grades and who achieve required grade point averages are eligible for the President’s and Dean’s Honor Rolls. Part-time degree-seeking students who have completed a minimum of twelve credit hours with a 3.50 minimum cum GPA are eligible for the Part-Time Student Honor Roll each subsequent semester in which they achieve the minimum requirements.
    1. President’s Honor Roll - Full-time students who complete a minimum of twelve credit hours with a letter grade with a grade point average of 4.00 (A).
    2. Dean’s Honor Roll - Full-time students who complete a minimum of twelve credit hours with a letter grade with a grade point average between 3.25 and 3.99.
    3. Part-Time Student Honor Roll - Part-time students who have completed a minimum of twelve credit hours in consecutive semesters with a cum GPA of 3.25 and who complete six to eleven credit hours during the current semester with a grade point average of 3.25 or higher.
  2. Phi Theta Kappa - Degree-seeking students who complete a minimum of twelve credit hours with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.5 are eligible for membership. Students must follow established Phi Theta Kappa guidelines to join the organization. Once a student is a member, a 3.25 semester GPA must be obtained to remain a member. Students who maintain eligibility for Phi Theta Kappa will be recognized at graduation.
  3. Graduates of Distinction - Students who maintain a minimum 3.80 grade point average in all coursework (including transfer work) applicable to their Western Wyoming Community College degree will be acknowledged as graduating “with distinction” and may wear the honor cord at the graduation ceremony. To receive this status, the graduate must complete at least half of their applicable graduation coursework from Western.
  4. Latin Honors - Bachelor’s degree graduates of distinction are awarded Latin Honors based on completion of their program with the following cumulative grade point averages:
Cum Laude 3.50-3.69
Magna Cum Laude 3.70-3.89
Summa Cum Laude 3.9 or above

To receive this status, the graduate must complete at least half of their applicable graduation coursework from Western.

Academic Standing

Generally, a student is considered to be in satisfactory academic standing if they are making satisfactory grades (2.00 or higher grade point average). However, students should be aware that specific Western programs have higher minimum grade point average requirements, and the student must maintain those levels to remain in any such program. Graduation course grade requirements may also vary for individual programs.

Academic standing will appear on a student’s transcript.

The purpose of the academic alert, probation, and suspension status is to alert the student to a lack of academic progress and to make every effort to help the student gain the tools necessary to succeed.

  1. Satisfactory Standing -Students who achieve a minimum grade point average of 2.00 each semester are considered to be in satisfactory academic standing.
  2. Academic Alert -This status alerts the student that they should discuss their academic future with their advisor. Students may want to take specific courses or limit their credit load to ensure success.
  3. Academic Probation -Those students on Academic Alert status who do not achieve a minimum 2.00 grade point average will move into Academic Probation status. These students are not allowed to register for subsequent semester classes until meeting with a Student Success Coach and receive authorization to register.
  4. Academic Suspension -A student on Academic Probation who achieves less than the minimum 2.00 grade point average may be placed on Academic Suspension. This student will not be allowed to register for Western courses at any location until:
    1. The student completes at least 12 semester hours of credit and achieves a 2.00 grade point average from another institution, or;
    2. The student does not attend Western for at least one semester.

Students who return to Western after the suspension is lifted will reenter on Academic Probation.

  1. Appeals -Students who wish to appeal their Academic Suspension based on extenuating circumstances may do so through the Registrar in Mustang Central. A student appealing should fill out an Exception form and provide as much information as possible to be used in making a decision. Appeals will be forwarded to the Vice President for Student Learning for review.

Academic Forgiveness

A student returning to Western Wyoming Community College after a minimum five-year absence and after completing two full-time semesters, or the equivalent (24 credit hours), with a minimum 2.00 cumulative grade point average may request to have an entire block of courses removed from the calculation of grade point average and degree credit. This is a one-time option. All classes and grades remain on the student’s permanent transcript but are removed from grade point average and credit calculations. Academic Forgiveness will be noted under each semester for which it applies.

Note: A “block” constitutes a continuing series of courses either in one entire semester (at a minimum) or spanning several full semesters, each contiguous with the other.

Attending Class

Class attendance is essential for achievement in college. Therefore, students are expected to attend all class sessions for each course they are enrolled in and make up any work they miss during excused absences. If a student misses too many classes (as defined in the instructor’s attendance policy), an instructor may drop that student from the course during the drop period. Students are responsible for all course requirements from the start of the course, not from when they added a course to their schedule. Students who need their attendance record kept for any reason should notify the instructor.

Furthermore, each instructor should establish an attendance policy for each course and publish it in the course syllabus. Instructors shall consider the deadlines for adding and dropping courses and write a policy statement consistent with the College’s drop/add policy.

Students must attend class or participate by the first Monday after a class begins, or they will be administratively dropped from that class.

Missing Class Because of an Emergency

Enrolled students who find it necessary to be away from college during any semester (because of illness, a death in the family, or other emergencies) should contact all of their instructors to discuss the reasons and expected period involved. Students are responsible for missed work; if the leave is too long, instructors may recommend that the student withdraw.

Class Standing

Class standing is determined by the number of semester hours completed and depends on whether a student is pursuing an associate’s or bachelor’s degree.

Associate Degree Programs
Freshman 00-31
Sophomore 32+
Bachelor Degree Programs
Freshman 00-29
Sophomore 30-59
Junior 60-89
Senior 90+

Course Loads

Western Wyoming Community College students may enroll as either full-time or part-time students. For financial aid purposes, a full-time student takes twelve semester hours or more, and a part-time student takes eleven or fewer semester hours. No student may enroll for more than 20 hours without being granted permission by their academic advisor and then petition for approval by the Registrar in Mustang Central. 

A credit hour equates to one contact hour per week in lecture classes and two contact hours per week in laboratory/skill classes. Each student should plan to spend at least two hours of study for each contact hour of classroom training. Course loads should be planned accordingly, as should work schedules.


Adding Courses

Students may add full semester courses during the first three class days. Shorter (block) courses have adjusted add dates. Refer to the calendar in this catalog for the exact date of the last day that courses may be added. Add courses using MyWestern, or obtain a Course Add Form from Mustang Central.

Learning Center, Internship, Work Experience, and flexible entry courses may be added until the deadline each semester, usually two weeks after the midterm of the course.

Auditing Courses (Taking a Credit Course for No Credit)

A student may audit any Western Wyoming Community College course. However, a student receives neither credit nor a grade for the course. After the first three days of class, a student taking a course for audit may not change the registration to credit, and a student taking a course for credit may not change the registration to audit. Auditing a course costs the same as taking a course for credit.

Course Prerequisites

Students should be aware of course prerequisites before registration. Prerequisites are listed in the course descriptions and the Schedule of Classes. Students may not receive credit for courses that are prerequisites to courses they have already completed. A grade of C or better must be earned to fulfill the prerequisite for Math and English courses.

Dropping Courses

Students may drop individual courses using MyWestern or come to Mustang Central during the add period. No signatures are necessary, and the course will not appear on the student’s permanent record. No grade is assigned.

Following the designated add period, students may withdraw from any course up to 88% of the term in calendar days. The Registrar will determine the exact date. A grade of “W” will be assigned for a withdrawal. It does appear on the student’s permanent record but is not included in the student’s GPA calculation. However, it can be considered in calculations for Satisfactory Academic Progress (see Financial Aid).

Following the drop deadline, a student may not withdraw from courses except in very unusual circumstances that involve severe medical, emotional, or personal problems. Emergency withdrawals are for all courses that are not selected. Students must request this type of withdrawal in writing. In the case of a medical reason, a doctor’s excuse is necessary. All requests will require documentation. Such instances will require the approval of the Registrar in Mustang Central and the concerned instructor. No withdrawals will be permitted during the final week of the semester or after the semester has ended. Although the instructor may initiate the following procedure, students must take full responsibility for dropping courses.

Students who wish to drop courses should:

  1. Obtain one of two forms from Mustang Central:
    1. A drop form for students dropping one or more of the courses they are registered for.
    2. A withdrawal form for students who are dropping all of their registered courses (or the only course for which they are registered).
  2. Follow the instructions on the form. Return the form to Mustang Central or the appropriate off-site office before the drop is official.
  3. MyWestern may be used in lieu of forms if the student is not dropping all courses. Complete withdrawals must be made through Mustang Central or an Outreach Office.

Military Call-Up

Reference: Wyoming State Statute: W.S. 19-11-120

Western Wyoming Community College, in recognition of its responsibilities to its students who are National Guard members or reservists in the U.S. Armed Forces, will adhere to appropriate national and state statutes that pertain to the mobilization of these citizen soldiers. The College intends to make reasonable efforts to accommodate students and minimize the disruption of their education while fulfilling their military obligations. When a student is placed on an emergency mobilization status, and when mobilization is anticipated to exceed 15 calendar days, the student or their designee must present an official copy of their activation orders to the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs as soon as possible after receipt of the orders. The College will try to provide appropriate accommodations that address the individual student’s unique needs.

Withdrawing From All Courses

Deadlines and procedures for withdrawing from all courses are the same as those listed above for dropping individual classes. Students must pick up the withdrawal form, obtain all appropriate signatures, and return the form to Mustang Central or the appropriate Outreach office. Complete withdrawals cannot be processed through MyWestern. No withdrawals will be permitted during the final week of the semester or once the semester has ended.

Emergency withdrawal procedures after the drop deadline are the same as those for dropping individual classes. In the case of a severe emergency when the student cannot come to the campus to withdraw, the student should contact Mustang Central and ask about the Exception process.

Students failing to follow appropriate withdrawal procedures will receive “F” grades on their permanent transcript.

Students are responsible for all financial obligations to the institution. Official records will be held if the student withdraws with outstanding debts.

Final Examinations

A student who fails to take a final examination may receive an “F” for that course unless previous arrangements have been made with the instructor. Due to college policy, no student may take an early final examination.

Students with more than two exams scheduled in one day may reschedule additional exams by working with the instructors.


Grading System

Western Wyoming Community College grades are evaluated according to letters and computed according to points.

Grade Performance Points
A Excellent 4
B Good 3
C Satisfactory 2
D Less than Satisfactory 1
F Failure 0
I Incomplete  
W Withdrawal  
S Satisfactory  
U Unsatisfactory  
AU Audit (No Credit)  
NG Non-Graded  

Students may not receive credit for courses that are prerequisites to courses they have already completed.


The grade of “I” (Incomplete) may be given after the mid-point of the course when unexpected circumstances, such as illness or military service, make it impossible for a student who is passing the course with a “C” or better to complete the remaining work by the end of the semester. The purpose of an Incomplete, therefore, is not to repeat the entire course but to complete no more than 50% of the work.

  • It is the student’s responsibility to initiate this process, but an Incomplete is assigned solely at the instructor’s discretion.
  • Student must be passing the course with a “C” or better at the mid-point of the course.
  • Incomplete coursework must be completed by the end of the following semester. The instructor can renew an Incomplete for an additional semester at their discretion. The student, however, must initiate the request for an extension before the deadline.
  • If the work is not satisfactorily completed by the designated deadline, the “I” will revert to the grade of “F.”
  • Incompletes must be completed with the instructor who issued the original grade.

With the following exceptions: If the instructor no longer teaches at Western, the division chair shall assign an instructor in the department area from which the course was offered to complete the incomplete process.

S/U Grades

All Western Wyoming Community College courses have been approved for “S/U” grading. Students may opt to take any course for “S/U” by informing the instructor of their choice, submitting the necessary paperwork signed by the student and instructor of record, and returning it to Mustang Central. The instructor will explain the requirements for satisfactory completion of the course. A satisfactory grade is equal to a C or better in the course.

“S/U” grades may not be applied toward graduation at Western except when the curriculum committee has obtained prior approval to use the course*. The option is available only for those taking a course for general enrichment or brush-up. It is not intended to be a part of a degree program. Students should also know that “S/U” grades generally do not transfer.

“S/U” grades are assigned for credit by exam, CLEP, extra-institutional credit, and military P.E. credit. These courses may still be used to meet graduation requirements. The college reserves the right to allow “S/U” grading only in selected courses. “S” grades are equal to a “C” grade or better in any particular course.

*Please note: S/U grades earned during the spring 2020 semester can be applied towards graduation and will transfer to the University of Wyoming.

Grade Point Average

The grade point average serves as one means of indicating the student’s level of scholarship and is used to determine class standing eligibility for intercollegiate athletic competition and honors. The grade point average is computed as follows:

Semester Hours   Grade Points
English 3 A (3x4) 12
Political Science 3 B (3x3) 9
Mathematics 3 C (3x2) 6
History 3 A (3x4) 12
College Studies 2 A (2x4) 8
  14   47

Western Wyoming Community College currently computes all course offerings regarding the semester credit hours. One semester credit hour usually comprises one lecture hour of class time per week (16-18 weeks per semester) and requires about two hours of student preparation per week. For students transferring from a college on the quarter credit hour system, take two-thirds (2/3) of the number of quarter hours earned to figure the equivalent number of semester hours. Transfer work is not computed into a student’s grade point average at Western.

Change of Grades

Grades may be changed for the following reasons:

  1. If a mistake has been made in computing or recording a grade for any student, that student should ask their instructor to submit a completed Change of Grade Form to the Vice President of Student Learning. With the V.P.’s approval, the student’s record will then be corrected by Mustang Central staff. Only one subsequent semester is allowed for grade changes. After that time, the grade stands as initially recorded. Under no circumstances will changes be made after the close of the following semester.
  2. Students may repeat courses to raise their grades. All previous attempts remain on the student’s record, but only the grade earned in the last attempt is used to compute the grade point average, except when a grade “W” is assigned in the previous attempt. Students may repeat a given course as many times as they wish, with only the final attempt used in computing the GPA. Note: Students only receive financial aid for the first repeat.

Grade Reports

Students can view mid-semester grades in their MyWestern account. Mid-semester grades are not posted on the student’s permanent academic record. These reports communicate progress with the student and the faculty advisor.




Following the suggested programs as listed will guarantee that degree and certificate requirements have been met. Because fiscal and staff limitations prohibit this College from offering every course listed in this catalog every semester, students should plan to enroll in the courses outlined in the suggested programs. Courses with enrollments under eight students may be canceled for fiscal and quality of instruction reasons. Decisions about canceled courses will be made by the end of the first week of classes whenever possible. If students are concerned about whether a course will be canceled, they should contact Mustang Central staff. Specific courses are generally offered only in the fall or spring.

Shift Workers

The College offers various methods to accommodate shift workers’ schedules. Online courses, technical courses that meet multiple times on the same day, and open-entry welding or computer courses are particularly appropriate.

In addition, many regularly scheduled courses can accommodate a changing schedule, but the student should check with the instructor. Many instructors post their assignments online and have students submit homework online or via e-mail. Also, several instructors record their classes and post these podcasts online. These technologies help shift workers/students stay up to date with a course when they cannot attend. The shift worker/student is responsible for attending class when their work schedule permits and keeping up with the course and its deadlines.

Standards of Student Conduct

The College requires its students to conform to federal, state, and local laws and regulations the Western Wyoming Community College Board of Trustees set forth. The College has rules concerning a student’s conduct at the College, with other students, and with College property. The regulations ensure proper and responsible behavior for the benefit and safety of all. See College Policies and Procedures on Western’s website for details on the Standards of Conduct.

Cheating and Plagiarism

All Western Wyoming Community College students are assumed to understand the terms ‘cheating’ and ‘plagiarism.’ At the instructor’s discretion, the discipline for cheating and plagiarism in any course may range from “F” for the assignment to dismissal from the course with a grade of “F.”

Because of the nature of specific specialized programs (i.e., health science students deal with the safety and well-being of hospital patients), cheating and plagiarism may result in not only an ‘F’ in the course but immediate dismissal from the program. Specific procedures are addressed in the handbook of each of these specialized areas.

Students who feel an instructor has unfairly dismissed them may appeal the decision through the College’s due process procedures.

Appropriate Student Behavior in the Learning Environment

One of the College’s goals is to See Issues from Multiple Perspectives. Therefore, part of a course may involve hearing and reading perspectives different from one’s own. Everyone in class has a right to learn and express views in a comfortable environment. Students are expected to consider others’ rights to hear, express their ideas, and participate in the class. College policy 5420A states, “The College can immediately suspend or dismiss a student for disciplinary reasons if the college considers the student’s actions detrimental to its educational purposes.”

Students with concerns about behavior in and out of the classroom should contact the Dean of Students.

Use of Drugs and Alcohol

The College prohibits the possession, manufacture, use, or distribution of alcoholic beverages and/or illicit drugs on its property or as a part of any student activity supervised or sponsored by the College.

The College sponsors drug and alcohol awareness programs for students and the community and offers counseling and referrals for students with dependency problems.

Student’s Right of Due Process

The College assures students the right to due process. Students have a right to an appeal hearing when they are suspended or dismissed from the ollege, they cannot resolve an academic grievance with a teacher, they are evicted from housing, or when some other disciplinary action is taken. The full policy can be found under Policy 5430B.

Student Complaint Process

Western Wyoming Community College has a well-developed complaint process for students with academic (grade) and behavior issues. The procedure applies to students regardless of where they attend Western, including all distance and online students. All student concerns are handled through an internal process overseen by the appropriate Vice President: Academic Complaints (VP for Student Learning); Student Complaints (VP for Student Services)

Academic Complaints

Students with issues with instructors, course grades, or other matters related to the course requirements may pursue a complaint process through Policy 5430B. A copy of the full policy can be found on the college website at westernwyoming.edu. The policy and procedure provide a step-by-step process for addressing concerns. A full copy of the process can also be found in the Student Handbook.

Non-academic and Behavioral Complaints

Students with classroom behavior (their own or other students) or other problems related to interaction with support offices and faculty and staff may pursue a complaint process through Policy 5430C. A copy of the full policy can be found on the college website at westernwyoming.edu. The policy and procedure provide a step-by-step process for addressing concerns. A full copy of the process can also be found in the Student Handbook.

A copy of this information will be sent to students annually as a reminder about the process they must follow in case of a concern.

Academic Grievance

Complaints About Areas of Instruction

The College has a grievance procedure available to hear students’ academic complaints. The procedure ensures that a student’s complaint is heard promptly, equitably, and informally.

Hopefully, the conflict can be resolved in the initial steps of the process when the student discusses the matter with the instructor, the division chairperson, and the Vice President of Student Learning. However, after these meetings, the student may present the case to an Academic Grievance Committee if the grievance is unresolved.

The student must submit a written statement of the complaint to the Division Chair or Vice President of Student Learning no later than 45 calendar days after the end of the semester in which the grievance occurred. Students may not pursue grievances after this time limit.

Non-Academic Grievance

Complaints About Unfair Treatment

The College has a grievance procedure available to hear student complaints about unfair treatment, including suspension and dismissal from the College. This non-academic grievance procedure ensures that students are treated fairly with due process.

Due process ensures the student that the College is not arbitrary in its actions. In all cases, due process requires that students know the charges against them, have the opportunity to refute them, and have the right to appeal. Once confronted with the charges and the College’s decision, students may appeal this decision to the Student Services Appeals Board. This board safeguards these rights and strives to interpret various college policies relating to student conduct fairly and reasonably.

The entire policy may be found in the student handbook on the College website at westernwyoming.edu or by contacting the Dean of Students.

Computer Use

Western Wyoming Community College believes computers are essential to today’s educational environment and provide students and community members access to college computers and networks. Access is a privilege and requires that individual users act responsibly. College staff may monitor the use and access of Western Wyoming Community College computers.

Appropriate Use

Western takes a fairly broad approach to access to computers and networks. However, users should remember that college-owned computers are for educational purposes. Use of computers for online chatting, accessing material that does not support the educational function or infringes upon the rights of other users, and game playing is monitored and may be prohibited. Illegal downloading of music, video, or software is not permitted. The Computer Use General Administrative Regulations can be found at westernwyoming.edu.


Official transcripts of the student’s academic record at Western Wyoming Community College may be obtained. Each official transcript requested costs $5.25. All requests are made online using the National Student Clearinghouse link at https://tsorder.studentclearinghouse.org/school/select. Transcripts should be sent directly to other colleges or universities, employment opportunities, etc. However, official transcripts can be given to the student and stamped as Issued to Student.

Each transcript will be released if: 1) the student has given written permission to release said transcript or 2) the student has submitted the request online through the National Student Clearinghouse. 

Unofficial transcripts can be issued to students for their use.