Oct 23, 2024  
2021-2022 Catalog 
2021-2022 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Services

Getting Admitted

Western Wyoming Community College is an open access institution, and all residents age 16 or older can be admitted to the College. All students working toward a degree are required to show evidence of high school graduation by submitting an official high school transcript from an accredited high school, or successful completion of a High School Equivalency Certificate (GED). Students may be conditionally admitted; however, completion of high school equivalency must be accomplished by the end of the student’s freshman year in college (completion of 30 semester hours of college credit). Students pursuing certificate programs must complete their high school education or equivalency by the midpoint in their program. If high school completion is not achieved, credit is not applicable toward a Western degree or certificate.

There are four types of students at Western Wyoming Community College. Each follows a different admissions procedure.

Degree Seeking or Certificate Students

Persons applying for a degree or certificate program should do the following: (All full-time students must follow this procedure.)

  1. Complete the application for admission online.
  2. Submit official transcripts from the last high school attended (must be an accredited high school) and previous colleges attended (if any) excluding Western Wyoming Community College transcripts. Students who completed high school equivalency five or more years before the date of application are only required to submit a copy of their diploma or GED certificate. Students who have not graduated from high school should submit a copy of the General Education Development (GED) scores or arrange to take the GED Examination at the College (no later than the end of their freshman year). Students in certificate programs must complete high school equivalency by the midpoint of their program. Students who have been home schooled should contact the Office of Admissions in Mustang Central regarding specific requirements.
    Once a student has submitted official transcripts from another school, they become the property of Western and original transcripts or transcript copies will not be returned to the student. This applies even if the student does not enroll. Copies are not made for third parties.
  3. Whenever possible, submit ACT or SAT test scores. These tests are not required for admission; however, information from the tests can be used to assist the student in educational and vocational planning. They are also required for those students who wish to be considered for academic scholarships (Institutional and State Hathaway) and recommended for those who plan to transfer to a four-year college.
  4.  Students interested in the Nursing program should contact the Director of the program. In addition to the regular application process, they should also complete the special Nursing program application. Acceptance into the College does not constitute acceptance into the Nursing program. Screening information for the Nursing program is listed later in this catalog.
  5.  International students must complete additional application requirements listed below.

Prospective degree seeking students are issued an acceptance letter as soon as these requirements are completed. Students who have not received high school equivalency or who are currently attending college and cannot submit the final college transcript are granted conditional acceptance until all requirements are met. Exceptions to any admission requirements should be addressed to the Registrar.

Non-degree Students

Non-degree seeking students are those who are taking credit courses on a part-time basis but are not working toward a degree or certificate. Non-degree seeking, part-time students do not have to complete the application process prior to registration.

High School Students

Juniors and Seniors who wish to take courses for credit are required to submit the High School Registration Form signed by their high school counselor. They must complete any special tests or other admission requirements for individual classes. Exceptional sophomores may also be allowed to take courses.

High school students should contact their Guidance Counselor for information about concurrent courses, which are Western courses taught at the high schools.

Non-Credit Students

Non-credit students complete a non-credit registration form at the time of registration.

Transfer Admission

Western Wyoming Community College will accept credit earned (in semester hours) from other accredited two-year and four-year colleges in the United States. Academic status at the time of admission and credits acceptable toward an Associate of Arts Degree, Associate Degree in Nursing, Associate of Science Degree, Associate of Applied Science Degree, Bachelor of Applied Science Degree, or a certificate program, will be determined by Mustang Central staff. A maximum of 50 semester hours of transfer credit may be accepted toward Western associate degrees, and a maximum of 90 semester hours of transfer credit may be accepted toward Western bachelor degrees.

In addition to the requirements for degree or certificate students, policies relating to transfer admissions are as follows:

  1. Students must submit official copies of transcripts from each institution attended.
  2. Credit is accepted from accredited institutions as listed in the American Council on Education’s Accredited Institutions of Post-Secondary Education.
  3. Transcript evaluations are completed for students who are accepted for admission. (Walk-ins or late applicants will not be evaluated until after the add period is over.) The transcript evaluation indicates which coursework is equivalent to Western courses as well as courses accepted under general divisions (i.e. History of Germany would be accepted as a history elective course even though the College does not have a direct equivalent). Questions about equivalency are referred to the appropriate department for determination.
  4. All coursework completed by the student is listed on the Western transcript, although only 50 credit hours may be applied toward the Western degree or certificate program. Fifteen hours must be completed through Western (in residence) in order to fulfill graduation requirements for an associate degree. Thirty hours must be completed through Western (in residence) in order to fulfill graduation requirements for a bachelor’s degree.
  5. Transfer coursework with grades of ‘D’ or better will transfer to Western except for freshman English, U.S. Government, college-level math, lab science and First Year Experience. GPA does not transfer or add into the Western cumulative grade point average (CGPA). For those graduates who complete less than half of their credit at Western, previous CGPAs will be added into the Western CGPA to determine that a 2.00 CGPA has been maintained.
  6. Western does not accept theology/religion courses as transfer credit.
  7. Western does not accept computer science coursework taken more than five years previous to the time period in which the transcript evaluation is processed.
  8. Students may be required to submit course descriptions to prove equivalency if the content of any course is not readily apparent or a catalog is not on file with Mustang Central.
  9. Credit from an institution on the quarter system is converted to semester hours (one quarter hour equals two-thirds of a semester hour). Fractions of hours are not rounded up.
  10. Transfer coursework completed more than ten years ago is subject to review. All credit will transfer and will fulfill general education requirements. Prerequisite courses and courses requiring current knowledge for specialized and technical certificates or degrees will not be accepted. Students may challenge or retake these courses. Examples of specialized or technical requirements include:
    1. Degree coursework (i.e. computer science courses for a student receiving an A.S. degree in Computer Science).
    2. Any technical or specialized skill course required for a certificate program.
    3. Courses requiring current knowledge prior to entry into the Nursing program (i.e. Anatomy and Physiology).
  11. Students transferring U.S. Government courses from out-of-state will still be required to complete the Wyoming Government & Constitution requirements (POLS 1000  and/or POLS 1100 ) for graduation.
  12. Once a student submits an official transcript to Western, it becomes the property of the College and will not be released to a third party. If the student wants a copy of their record from another college it must requested directly from that institution. This protects the student’s rights as well as the credibility and integrity of the other institution and its transcripts.

International Student Admission

In addition to the regular admissions procedures, an international student must submit the following information to Mustang Central:

  1. Western Wyoming Community College requires documentation of English ability:
    Documentation of English ability is required for all non-U.S. citizens except native English speakers from the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, or non-French speaking Canada. Waivers may be granted for (1) transfer students with demonstrated success in college level English courses or (2) students whose secondary education was taught in English. Contact the Registrar, located in Mustang Central, with any questions.
    1. Prospective students needing to provide documentation of English language ability must take one of the following three official tests of English and earn the minimum score listed: TOEFL (61), IELTS (5.0), and PTE Academic (36).
    2. Official ACT/SAT test scores cannot be substituted for the TOEFL, IELTS, or PTE Academic tests.
  2. ESL (English as a Second Language) Courses
    1. Western offers an ESL Certificate with courses designed for intermediate or higher level ESL students needing to improve their English language abilities so that they can enroll in college level courses.
  3. Official high school and any college transcripts (if transfer credit is requested) translated to English. Attested copies are accepted.
  4. A completed Health Form, signed by a physician.
  5. Evidence of financial responsibility is also required. Expenses include tuition, fees, books, room and board, and health insurance. It does not include student’s personal expenses or transportation costs.
    1. A statement of financial support from the bank of the person who will be sponsoring your stay in this country (stating how much will be available for your stay in this country). This statement must show the amount necessary for one fulll academic year.
    2. A $100 non-refundable application fee, and a partially refundable $150 housing deposit (if on-campus housing is requested). Send a bank draft, money order, or American wire transfer payable to Western Wyoming Community College. The student must submit $7,500 to cover first semester costs upon arrival. This amount will be applied toward the first semester’s tuition, room, board, books, health insurance, and other fees.

International students are required to purchase medical insurance through a plan offered by the College while in attendance in Rock Springs and/or if living in Western’s residence halls.

After the applicant has completed the above, an admission decision will be made. Accepted students will be sent an official letter of acceptance and a Certificate of Eligibility (Form I-20) will be issued for visa purposes.

Placement Testing

Students who have achieved the following ACT or SAT scores (taken within the last three years) may not be required to complete academic assessment testing. ACT: 18 or higher in English, 21 or higher in math. SAT: 490 or higher verbal, 520 or higher in math. Students should contact Mustang Central for more information, at (307) 872-1677. The tests are designed to determine the student’s level of ability-they are not pass/fail exams. The College’s aim is to place the student in the course best suited to meet their particular skills. In some cases, developmental courses are required before students enter college-level courses. Tests are offered at various times; scores are valid for three years or as long as the student has continuous attendance at Western. Students must bring a photo ID in order to be tested.


All degree-seeking students are assigned to an academic advisor; advisors are assigned based on a student’s major. New students will need advisor approval to register for courses or make changes to their schedule. Students should meet with their advisor on a regular basis regarding choice of classes, scheduling, and career interests.

The student is ultimately responsible for their decisions and must gather information through the catalog, class schedule, and follow their degree audit progress in MyWestern.

In order to change advisors, the student must do so officially through Mustang Central.

Registration/Advising Appointments

All new degree seeking students attend an Individual Advising Appointment to register. The appointment will consist of college resources, advising, and registration.

All new degree-seeking freshmen (including students with dual or concurrent credits from high school) are required to attend an Individual Advising Appointment. They are also required to attend the Orientation program during Mustang Welcome Week. Transfer students and returning Western students who have completed fewer than 12 hours and/or have a cumulative Grade Point Average of less than 2.00 are also required to attend an Individual Advising Appointment.

Individual Advising Appointments are available for new students starting in the:

  • Fall mid-April through mid-October
  • Spring mid-November through mid-March
  • Summer mid-February through June

The College wants students to know what is expected of them, what they need to do to succeed, and who they can look to for assistance. This is the focus of the Orientation program during Mustang Welcome Week.

Military Service Credit

Students who have had military service may be granted credit in physical education (2 hours) in accordance with the recommendations of the Commission on Accreditation of Service Experiences. These credits may be counted toward the credit requirements for graduation. Appropriate military documentation is required. Western Wyoming Community College may award credit, as recommended by the American Council on Education, for formal military service school courses and USAFI courses.

This institution will inquire about each veteran or veteran benefits eligible person’s previous education and training, and request transcripts from all prior institutions, including military training, traditional college coursework and vocational training. Previous transcripts will be evaluated and credit will be granted, as appropriate. Student will be made aware of final decision.

Service Members Opportunity College

Western Wyoming Community College is a member of the Service members Opportunity Colleges. As a SOC member, we are committed to easing the transfer of relevant course credits, providing flexible academic residency requirements, and crediting learning from appropriate military training and work experiences. SOC functions in cooperation with fifteen national higher education associations, the Department of Defense, and Active and Reserve Components of the military Services.

Transfer of Credits

Students who wish to transfer course credits earned at Western Wyoming Community College to four-year colleges, universities, and professional schools should have no difficulty if their credits meet the following standards. Students planning to transfer to a four-year college or university should fulfill the requirements for the A.A., A.D.N., or A.S. Degrees.

  1. Acceptable Grades: Grades of “C” or better are normally necessary to gain credit transferable to four-year schools. Some colleges and universities accept “D’s”. Students should check with the institution to which they plan to transfer.
  2. Careful Selection of Courses: A student must choose courses at Western Wyoming Community College which are required by the four-year institution for the student’s proposed major field of study. A student should check the catalog of that school and follow the program as closely as possible. If a course is numbered below junior level in a four-year program, credit will generally not be granted for the lower-level course.
  3. Course Numbers: Courses numbered less than 1000 after the department prefix (e.g. MATH 0900) will not transfer or count toward Western transfer degrees.
  4. Specialty Courses: Those listed under directed study, topics, cooperative education, or student leadership, transfer at the discretion of the transferring institution.

Since each educational institution prescribes its own standards and its own prerequisites to transfer, a transfer student should discuss their program with an academic advisor at the transfer institution. Because of the specialized nature of certain courses in occupational-vocational education, students majoring in these areas and wishing to transfer should familiarize themselves with the curricula of the institution to which they plan to continue their education.

Credit for Extra-Institutional Learning

Life Experience

Western recognizes the viability of “extra-institutional learning”. Extra-institutional learning is defined as learning that is attained outside the sponsorship of legally authorized and accredited post-secondary institutions. The term applies to learning acquired from work experience for extra-institutional learning in the following ways:

  1. By taking the appropriate College Level Examination Program (CLEP) examinations, or other language assessments approved by the Registrar.
  2. By taking an institutional course challenge examination if no CLEP test is available in that course area.
  3. By having gained extra-institutional learning in courses and programs listed in the Cooperative Assessment of Experimental Learning of the Education Testing Service, Princeton, New Jersey; Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services and The National Guide to Credit Recommendations for Non-collegiate Courses published by the American Council on Education.
  4. Documentation of formal training must be submitted to Mustang Central. The College Faculty reviews the material and, if appropriate, makes a recommendation for credit. This process can only be applied to work which corresponds to a specific course offered at Western. To qualify for Life Experience credit, the student must be enrolled at Western.

Grades granted for extra-institutional learning will be duly noted on the transcript and S-U grades will be assigned when appropriate.

A maximum of forty hours can be granted for extra-institutional learning toward an associate degree.

Credit by Examination

There are two major ways by which a student may test for college credit without enrolling in a college course:

  1. College Level Examination Program (CLEP) is sponsored by Educational Testing Service, and is a nationally accepted alternative college credit program. Western is an approved National Test Center for CLEP, and administers computer-based CLEP examinations to any person who wishes to be tested, however credit will only be transferred to Western transcripts for testing candidates with an active Western transcript. CLEP exams are administered on an individual basis, and are proctored in Mustang Success. Mustang Success should be contacted directly for more information on fees, subject tests, and scheduling. Students can also visit the CLEP website at www.collegeboard.com/CLEP . See the chart below for the CLEP Test scores required to earn equivalent credit at Western. Other language assessments must be approved by the Registrar.
  2. For any subject in which a CLEP Test (or approved language assessment) is not available credit by exam may be an option (see below). Through examination, it is determined if the student’s proficiency is equivalent to that which could be expected upon completion of a college level course in the subject. If the student is found to have this level of proficiency, he/she is awarded credit for that course and allowed to proceed with the more advanced course or with other courses in other areas. The following stipulations apply:
    1. To qualify for credit by examination, the student must be enrolled at Western Wyoming Community College. No credit by examination will be permitted within the last month of a semester.
    2. A student may not earn credit by examination in a course if they have completed a course in the subject matter area above the level of the course in which they wish to be examined.
    3. Contact Mustang Central for information on the procedure for Institutional Credit by Examination.

Forty hours of credit earned through challenge and CLEP (or approved language assessment) may be counted toward graduation from Western Wyoming Community College.

History and Social Science:

CLEP Equivalent Minimum Score Western Course Credit Granted
Intro to Ed Psych 50 EDFD 2100 - Educational Psychology   4
Intro to Psychology 50 PSYC 1000 - General Psychology   4
Intro to Sociology 50 SOC 1000 - Sociological Principles   3

English Composition:

CLEP Equivalent Minimum Score Western Course Credit Granted
College Composition 50 ENGL 1010 - English Composition I   3
College Composition Modular 50 ENGL 1020 - English Composition II   3

NOTE: The prerequisite for the College Comp Modular is successful completion of ENGL 1010  or the CLEP College Composition


CLEP Equivalent Minimum Score Western Course Credit Granted
American Literature 50 ENGL 2310 - American Literature I   3
  65 +ENGL 2320 - American Literature II   6
College French Lang. 41-49 FREN 1010 - First Year French I   4
  50-56 FREN 1020 - First Year French II   8
College Spanish Lang. 51 SPAN 1010 - First Year Spanish I   4
  56 +SPAN 1020 - First Year Spanish II   8
  61 +SPAN 2030 - Second Year Spanish I   12
  66 +SPAN 2040 - Second Year Spanish II   16


CLEP Equivalent Minimum Score Western Course Credit Granted
College Math 50 MATH 1000 - Problem Solving   3
College Algebra 50 MATH 1400 - College Algebra   3
  61 +MATH 1405 - Trigonometry   3
Calculus 50 MATH 2200 - Calculus I   4


CLEP Equivalent Minimum Score Western Course Credit Granted
Biology 50 BIOL 1010 - General Biology   4
Chemistry 50 CHEM 1020 - General Chemistry I   4
  55 +CHEM 1030 - General Chemistry II   8


CLEP Equivalent Minimum Score Western Course Credit Granted
Prin. of Management 50 MGT 2100 - Principles of Management   3
Financial Accounting 50 ACCT 2010 - Principles of Accounting I   4
Introductory Bus. Law 55 BADM 2010 - Legal Environment of Business   3
Prin. of Marketing 50 MKT 3210 - Principles of Marketing   3
Prin. of Macroeconomics 50 ECON 1010 - Macroeconomics   3
Prin. of Microeconomics 54 ECON 1020 - Microeconomics   3
Information Systems and Computer Applications 50 CMAP 1200 - Computer Information Systems   3

Advanced Placement

The Advanced Placement program is sponsored by The College Board and offers secondary school students the opportunity to participate in college-level coursework in high school and to take a national test at the end of their course.

Western accepts AP scores of 3 or higher. See the individual exams for which Western awards credit and the required scores listed below.

There is no charge for this credit, and credit is listed on the student’s Western transcript at the time of matriculation.

Western Equivalences are listed below:

AP Examination Required AP Score Western Equivalent Credit
Biology 4 BIOL 1010 - General Biology   4
Calculus AB 3 MATH 2200 - Calculus I   4
Calculus BC 3 MATH 2205 - Calculus II  (includes MATH 2200 ) 8
Chemistry 4 CHEM 1020 - General Chemistry I   4
Computer Science A 4 COSC 1010 - Intro to Computer Science   4
Macroeconomics 3 ECON 1010 - Macroeconomics   3
Microeconomics 3 ECON 1020 - Microeconomics   3
English, Lang and Comp 4 ENGL 1010 - English Composition I   3
Literature, Composition 4 ENGL 1010 - English Composition I   3
French Language 3 FREN 1010 - First Year French I   4
Government & Politics 3 POLS Elective Credit **See Below 3
History/European 3 Elective Credit 3
History/US 3 HIST Elective Credit **See Below 3
Music Theory 3 MUSC 1030  or THEA 1030 & MUSC 1035  or THEA 1035 Written Theory I / Aural Theory I 4
Physics 1: Algebra-Based 4 PHYS 1110 - General Physics I   4
Physics 2: Algebra-Based 4 PHYS 1120 - General Physics II   4
Physics C: Mechanics 3 PHYS 1110 - General Physics I   4
Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism 3 PHYS 1120 - General Physics II   4
Physics C: Mechanics 4 PHYS 1310 - College Physics I   4
Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism 4 PHYS 1320 - College Physics II   4
Psychology 4 PSYC 1000 - General Psychology   4
Spanish Language 3 SPAN 1010 - First Year Spanish I   4
World History 4 HIST 1320   3
World History 5 HIST 1320  & HIST 1330   6

**POLS 1100  is needed to = POLS & HIST 1210 credit

Getting Registered

Registration for courses takes place prior to the beginning of each semester (see the College calendar for specified dates). Students may register for certain non-credit and late start courses through the first class session. Tuition and fees are payable at the time of registration. Students may register, on a space available basis, for full semester courses during the first three class days. Students taking eight-week and five-week blocks may register through the first two class days.

Students are able to obtain a full refund prior to the first official day of classes. After that point, the refund schedule and payment obligations are in effect.

New students who plan to work toward degree or certificate programs should complete the application for admission, submit transcripts of previous high school and college work, and take the American College Test (“ACT”, recommended but not required).

Registration Options

Students may register through the following methods:

  • Online via the Western Wyoming Community College web page, using MyWestern or the Part-Time registration form.
  • In person in Mustang Central, at the Green River Center, or at an Outreach Office.
  • By mail (Part-time students)

Late Registration

Students are encouraged to register on the dates specified in the College calendar. If this is not possible, students may register for full semester courses during the first three class days. Students taking block courses may register through the second day of the course. Contact Mustang Central for specific dates. Students who enroll in flexible entry courses are not eligible for a refund after the designated last day to add the course if it were not flexible.

Financial Aid

Responsibility for coordinating all student financial assistance is assigned to the Mustang Central staff. This responsibility includes scholarships, grants, loans, VA benefits, and federal work study. Each student is urged to consider the various financial aid options available.

The types of financial assistance at Western include:

  • Aid based on assessed financial need
  • Academic excellence
  • Foundation and Institutional aid

All Federal, and most Foundation aid, requires completion of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Supporting information may be required. Some institutional scholarships require the student to write a personal essay that details their career goals and educational plans, and submit two letters of recommendation to support the application. Additionally, students must submit final high school transcript, be accepted for admission to Western, and be in an eligible educational program before any financial aid award is disbursed.

How should I apply?

For institutional scholarship inquiries and applications, students should contact Mustang Central. Western’s priority funding date for most academic and institutional scholarships is April 1 for Federal and Foundation Aid programs. Since aid programs are in high demand, students are encouraged to meet the priority dates while funds are still available. Aid is not reserved for late applicants and awards are made as files are completed.

For federal aid programs, students must file the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid), and are responsible for submitting additional information requested by Western within the established deadline. Funds are limited and the process may be lengthy, so students should plan accordingly.

For WWC Foundation aid, students must submit the Civic Grant application to Mustang Central. As many of these grants are need based, students are strongly encouraged to file the FAFSA. Western must have the civic grant application and FAFSA results on file in Mustang Central by April 1 for priority consideration.

All financial aid applicants must have graduated from high school or completed their high school equivalency requirements and be degree seeking at Western Wyoming Community College. Mustang Central must receive the final high school transcript or high school equivalency scores before the disbursement of aid.

How are selections made?

Selection for aid is made following the priority dates. Applications received by those dates will receive priority consideration for all available monies. Applications received after the date will be processed and considered for available funds. Students should begin receiving award notifications in early spring through summer. Once an award is made students can access the award notification on Western’s webpage through MyWestern. Login and password are required.

Often a combination of federal and institutional aid programs are offered to students to help meet their cost of attendance. The cost of attendance is comprised of the average costs for elements determined by financial aid policies and federal guidelines as necessary to complete an educational program at Western. These elements include but are not limited to; tuition, fees, books, room and board, travel expenses, childcare and miscellaneous living expenses. There are other elements that can be included on a case-by-case basis in the cost of attendance. Two examples of these are expenses incurred due to disability and the cost of a computer. Contact Mustang Central staff for more specifics about these and other additional elements.

To receive aid from any of the federal student aid programs, an applicant must meet ALL of the following criteria:

  • Have financial need, except some loans;
  • Have a high school diploma, GED certificate, or have completed homeschooling at the secondary level;
  • Be enrolled or accepted for enrollment in an approved program at Western for the purpose of obtaining a certificate or degree;
  • Be a U.S. citizen, national, permanent resident, or eligible non-citizen;
  • Have a social security number;
  • Be making satisfactory academic progress toward completion of a certificate or degree;
  • Certify that financial aid funds are used only for educational purposes;
  • Not be in default on a federal student loan;
  • Not owe a repayment of a federal grant; and
  • Be registered with Selective Service, if required.

The U.S. Department of Education interfaces with other federal databases to confirm several of these criteria.

Only classes that count toward a student’s certificate or degree (or are an allowable elective) can be funded by federal financial aid.

Federal Aid Programs:

Federal Pell Grant: Need based grant money that may be available to students attending approved post-secondary institutions. Eligibility is determined by the Central Processing System through FAFSA completion.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG): Federal grants awarded to students with the lowest family contribution and greatest financial need.

Federal Work Study (FWS): Student employment available to a limited number of students with need, who choose to earn part of their educational funding.

Subsidized Direct Loan: Need-based federally subsidized loan to college students which are funded by the Federal Direct Loan Program. While a student is enrolled at least half-time the interest is being paid by the Federal Government. The interest rate is fixed and repayment obligations begin six months after a student completes their education or stops attending on a at least a part-time basis. Entrance counseling and Master Promissory Note are required prior to disbursement.

Unsubsidized Direct Loan: Federal loans available to students funded by the Federal Direct Loan Program. Interest payments begin within 60 days after loan disbursement unless students choose to defer these payments. It has a fixed interest rate. Entrance counseling and Master Promissory Note are required prior to the final disbursement.

Federal Direct PLUS Loan: Federal loan available to parents whose dependent children attend post-secondary institutions. The interest rate is fixed and repayment begins immediately after the last loan disbursement.

Institutional Aid Programs


Western’s academic scholarship program is funded through a combination of resources-including Western institutional funds, the state of Wyoming’s Hathaway Scholarship program, and the WWC Foundation. Scholarships with a specified fund amount are distributed over a two term period and eligibility criteria must be maintained to receive the second scheduled award.

All Western Scholarship information can be viewed in detail on the website.

Western Scholarship Information

Rights and Responsibilities

All students receiving financial aid are required to adhere to the Academic Standards for financial aid recipients. Awards are reviewed after each semester and considered for renewal. Renewal is required via the appropriate application following every Spring semester.

Upon request, Mustang Central staff will provide the following types of information: 1) descriptions of aid programs available to students enrolled; 2) procedures for applying for aid; 3) criteria for awarding aid; 4) rights and responsibilities of students receiving aid; 5) comprehensive costs; 6) description of academic programs and facilities; 7) loan repayment terms and schedules.

Academic Standards for Financial Aid Recipients

The Federal Department of Education (DOE) mandates the establishment and enforcement of a Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy for all institutions participating in federal Title IV aid programs. Federal Title IV aid programs include: Pell, SEOG, Direct Student/Parent Loans, and Work Study. The regulations require the measurement of cumulative GPA, rate of progression, and maximum time frame. A change of program does not reset the SAP calculation. Western students are considered to be making SAP if they consistently:

Western’s qualitative measurement

Maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 2.00

Western’s quantitative measurement

Complete 66.667% of attempted credits*
Do not meet or exceed 150% of the program length. For example: 96 credits for Associate degree programs

* Attempted credits are any credits for which the student enrolled, whether or not the student received federal financial aid. Attempted credits include withdrawn, incomplete, failed, and repeated courses. Transferred credits accepted by Western are included in the 96 credit hour maximum. The table below illustrates how graded courses impact Financial Aid SAP.

GRADE Cumulative GPA Attempted Credit Completed Credit
A-F Yes Yes Yes
I (incomplete)** No Yes No
Repeats Most Recent Yes Yes
W No Yes No
Transferred and accepted by Western No Yes Yes

**When completed OR the student receives an F grade due to failure to complete the coursework as required, the new grade is used to calculate SAP at the end of the student’s next semester of attendance. The updated letter grade is treated per the table above when SAP is recalculated. Students are monitored for financial aid satisfactory academic progress (SAP) at the end of each semester of attendance. Students who are approaching maximum time frame (96 credits for associate degrees) and/or have less than 2.00 cumulative GPA and/or have completed less than 66.667% of attempted credits are given a Warning status.

Students with a Warning status are notified by MyWestern e-mail that they are in danger of losing their financial aid eligibility and what they must do to maintain eligibility. Students are eligible for federal financial aid with a Warning status during their next semester of attendance. Students with a Warning status who reach or exceed the maximum time frame (96 credits for associate degree) and/or have less than a 2.00 cumulative GPA and/or have less than a 66.667% completion rate are no longer eligible for federal Title IV financial aid and any financial aid that requires SAP. These students receive a No Longer Eligible (NLE) SAP status. Students are notified via MyWestern e-mail that they are not eligible for federal financial aid. The e-mail includes information about how to regain eligibility and the appeal process. Western is not required to inform students of their SAP status, this is the responsibility of the student.

Treatment of Remedial Courses & English as a Second Language Coursework

No more than one year’s (24 credits) worth of reduced credit remedial coursework will be included in a student’s enrollment status or cost of attendance. ESL courses do not count against the one-year limitation. Remedial coursework is included in attempted credits when considering a student’s duration of eligibility.

Treatment of Incompletes, Withdrawals, & Repetitions

Grades of I (incomplete), F (failure) and W (withdrawal) are not considered successfully completed classes, but will be included in the number of attempted credit hours. Repeat courses will be counted in attempted and completed credits. Western students are allowed to repeat a satisfactorily completed course one time and receive funding. Mustang Central staff will not include a completed course taken for the third time in a student’s cost of attendance, or for awarding purposes. Inappropriate selection of courses is not an acceptable reason for not maintaining satisfactory academic progress. Students should contact an advisor.

An incomplete course must be completed the following semester unless the student requests an extension from the instructor. Once the incomplete is completed and the grade has been updated by the instructor it will be the student’s responsibility to contact Mustang Central staff for recalculation of their satisfactory academic progress for the term in question.

Treatment of Transfer Students, Second Degrees, & Second Majors

Students transferring to Western Wyoming Community College will have all attempted hours and transfer credits included in the maximum time frame of 150%. Once the student meets the 150% maximum time frame, a letter is sent to the student notifying them that they have reached the maximum duration of eligibility and that they have the option to appeal. If the student submits an appeal, a degree audit will be done to determine the required courses that the student needs to complete the Associate’s Degree or Certificate. 150% of that number will be the maximum number of hours that will be funded at Western.

Students changing majors and requesting an extension of aid eligibility will be required to provide a written appeal to the FA office providing notification of the major change and do an official change of major with Mustang Central. The Director will verify this information utilizing the administrative computer system. In order for an extension of aid to be granted beyond the 150% time frame, the change of major must be a well-defined change (EX: Nursing to BIS). If it is determined to be a well-defined change of major by the FA Director, a degree audit will be run, all developmental courses will be discounted and 150% of the number of required courses for the new major will be extended to the student. Students can change their major no more than three times and appeal for an extension of aid (ie., one declared major and two major changes).

Students seeking second associate degrees and requesting financial aid assistance will be required to provide a written appeal to Mustang Central staff. Appeal requests will be considered if the second degree is in a clearly defined different area of study. For example, if the first AS was in Biology and the second Associates degree is in Education, then an extension of aid will be granted one time only. If it is determined to be a clearly defined second associate degree by the Financial Aid Director, a degree audit will be run, and 150% of the number of required courses for the second associate degree will be extended to the student.

Students that have exceeded the 150% time frame will be considered for an extension of aid eligibility if there has been a stop out period of three years or greater. A degree audit will be run to determine the courses still required for the degree and that number will be taken by 150% as the maximum number of hours to be funded at Western.


Western has an appeal procedure for students who fail to make satisfactory academic progress. Students may appeal in writing to Mustang Central. The student should understand the SAP for their individual aid and when subsequent grades place him/her in Aid Suspension. It is not the responsibility of Mustang Central staff to notify the students, although we make every effort to do so. Furthermore, it is the responsibility of the student to notify Mustang Central staff when conditions have been met to again receive financial aid (generally a successful semester at the student’s expense) or to initiate an appeal.

Students are provided with detailed information on SAP when their financial aid is awarded.

Western students must appeal in writing to the Financial Aid Director. The appeal form that a student must fill out details their academic plan for the academic year. They must accompany the form with a letter explaining the extenuating circumstances which prevented their ability to meet the SAP standards and also any documentation (medical, legal, etc.) that would substantiate their case. Examples of mitigating circumstances by which an appeal might be approved include a family member’s death, illness, living conditions not conducive to academic success which are out of the student’s control, etc.

The Financial Aid Review Board is made up of the Financial Aid Officer, Vice President for Student Success, two Professional/Administrative employees and two faculty members. In the event that an appeal is denied by the FA Director, the student has the option of meeting with the FARB. The student appears in person or via conference call and explains that circumstances surrounding their failure to meet the institution’s SAP standards. The FARB has the authority to override the Director’s decision of denial in such cases. Students can meet only once with the FARB during their time at Western.

Western students must submit the appeal in writing to the Financial Aid Director in order to meet with the FARB.

Students are allowed one appeal to the FARB. Only in exceptional circumstances is a second appeal allowed. The deadline by which an appeal must be received is noted in the suspension notice sent to students at the end of each semester. The FA Director and/or the FARB may choose to apply specific conditions to the approval of a student’s appeal.

The outcome of a student’s appeal, whether accepted or denied, is communicated to the student via letter sent to the student’s address. A copy is also sent via e-mail when appropriate. The Director updates the administrative computer system regarding the SAP outcome. A copy of the letter which is sent to the student is also retained in the student’s physical file.


Additional information may sometimes be required to document the mitigating circumstances surrounding a satisfactory academic progress appeal; therefore, forms of acceptable documentation that may be submitted in support of an appeal include but are not limited to:

Newspaper obituaries or death certificates to substantiate deaths

Physician’s statement to substantiate illness or accident

Statement from clergy or family member who knows the student’s situation

Statement from academic advisor or professor

Regaining Eligibility

Students not making satisfactory academic progress may re-establish eligibility on their own, either because their appeals were denied or because they did not avail themselves of the appeal processes.

In the case of a qualitative suspension a student must pay for 1 semester (or more) at their own expense until they match the number of credits for which they were originally funded and correct the deficiency (earn a semester GPA of 2.0 or greater). It is the students’ responsibility to notify Mustang Central staff in writing through the appeal process that they wish to be evaluated for reinstatement of eligibility for financial aid.

If the student chooses not to pay for their own expenses, they may interrupt his/her attendance for a period of five (5) years and return under warning status. It is the students’ responsibility to notify Mustang Central staff in writing that they wish to be evaluated for reinstatement of eligibility for financial aid.

Once the student has corrected the deficiency, it is their responsibility to communicate this information to Mustang Central staff. This is done by writing a letter to the Financial Aid Director notifying him/her that the deficiency has been corrected. Upon receipt and verification of the information, the student’s eligibility will be reinstated for the upcoming semester.

Refunds and Repayments for Students with Scholarship, Title IV Grant, or Title IV Loan

  1. A student who is in default or owes a refund to any institution of any funds received under Title IV grant or loan programs for attendance at any institution is not eligible to receive Title IV funds.
  2. A student who receives a scholarship, Title IV Grant, or Title IV Loan funds, and withdraws, drops out, or is expelled before the first day of classes in the payment period must repay the full amount of all such awards.
  3. A student who receives scholarship, Title IV Grant, or Title IV Loan funds and attended classes but subsequently withdraws, drops out, or is expelled must make repayment of such awards in accordance with established policy.
  4. Overpayments: If the student described above received Title IV Grant and scholarship funds in excess of tuition, book allowance, housing, and board payments made to Western Wyoming Community College, such excess constitutes an overpayment to the student if it exceeds the standard living cost allowance for the student’s period of attendance. If an over payment has been made, the student will be billed for repayment of that amount. Within the scholarship category, repayments to the respective funds will be made in the same proportion as awards were received from those funds. Within the Title IV category, repayments will be prioritized with repayment successively to the Pell Grant fund and SEOG fund. No repayment to a fund may exceed the amount the student received from that fund.

Return to Title IV

Western has a clearly defined policy for student refunds for educational costs such as tuition and fees, room and board when an official withdrawal is completed. See Policy 3810B for the college-wide refund process for tuition and fees and refer to the Residence Halls Handbook for refund tables for housing and meal plans.

However, Students who withdraw or stop attending classes may be subject to a return of Federal Financial Aid funds. This is a calculation that has different requirements than the refund policy mentioned above. Programs affected by this policy include but may not be limited to:

Direct Unsubsidized Loans
Direct Subsidized Loans
Direct Parent Loans (PLUS)
Federal Pell Grants
Federal SEOG

Students may be required to return federal funds previously received because they did not fulfill the requirements of the award. The date of determination and the return of funds may be based upon:

Official Withdrawal - Official withdrawals are calculated up to 30 days after Add/Drop form received.

The date the student begins the withdrawal process OR officially notifies the institution of intent to withdraw

Date on the official Add/Drop form submitted to Mustang Central

Unofficial Withdrawal - Unofficial Withdrawals are determined up to 45 days after the end of each semester.

The student’s last date of attendance

The last date of academic activity determined by the school

Withdrawing prior to completing 60% of the term: Title IV aid is earned on a per day basis up to the 60% point of each semester. All Title IV aid is subject to a return of funds up to the 60% point. After that point, all aid is considered “earned” and will not be returned.

Title IV aid is returned in the following order:

Direct Unsubsidized Loans
Direct Subsidized Loans
Direct PLUS Loans (PLUS)
Federal Pell Grants
Federal SEOG

Post Withdrawal Disbursement - Once the date of determination for withdrawal date is made the Return to Title IV funds will be calculated. When the aid disbursed is less than the aid earned by the student, a post withdrawal disbursement occurs. Disbursement will be made up to 30 days from the date of determination of withdrawal.

A sample worksheet used to calculate Return to Title IV Funds at Western is available at http://ifap.ed.gov/ifap/titleiv.jsp by selecting “Treatment of Title IV Funds When a Student Withdraws from a Credit Hour Program.”

If the calculation of Return of Title IV requires return of a portion of received financial aid, the student must return the unearned portion to Western upon receiving notification. Failure to do so may result in the student becoming ineligible for future federal student aid. Any unpaid balance on the student account will result in a hold being placed on the student account and is subject to the college’s collection process.

Notification of Return of Title IV: The student receives a letter addressed to their current mailing address on file when a calculation has been completed, indicating the amount charged back, the current account balance, and the student’s option for repayment.

Questions about the Return to Title IV calculations may be directed to Mustang Central staff at (307) 382-1677, 1-800-226-1181 or finaid@westernwyoming.edu.

Verification Policies and Procedures for Federal Student Aid Applications

  1. Conditions requiring verification
    An applicant will be required to verify, or validate by documentation, application information if the application is selected for verification in the federal processing and edit system. An application may also be selected for verification if Mustang Central staff has reason to believe that any application information critical to the calculation of the student’s expected family contribution is inaccurate.
  2. Notice of verification requirement
    If an application is selected for verification, Mustang Central staff will give the applicant timely written notice of the fact. The notice will specify what items of information must be verified, will detail what documents and procedures are required for verification, will specify the time period within which the applicant shall provide the required documentation, and will advise the applicant of the consequences of the applicant’s failure to comply within the specified period. Applicants may access application status and missing documents in MyWestern, Self-Service for Students - My Financial Aid.
  3. Deadline for submission of verification documents
    While the time period granted the applicant for completion of required documentation may vary with the complexity of the requirements and with the time remaining in the school term for which funding is sought, the deadline for submission of verification documents must be at least 30 days prior to the end of the school term for which funding is sought, to allow for processing (and correction if needed) before the end of the term to be funded.
  4. Consequences of failure to comply with verification requirements
    Should the applicant fail to provide required documentation within the specified time period, Mustang Central staff must consider the application invalid, and the applicant will forfeit eligibility for assistance from the federal Title IV, and any other, student aid programs for the program year for which the invalid application was filed.
  5. Notice of results of verification
    If the verification documents provided within the specified time period confirm the accuracy of all application items requiring verification, the application is finalized and, if all other requirements have been met, an award letter is sent to the applicant. If the verification documents reveal inaccuracies in the application, Mustang Central staff will resubmit corrected data to the federal processor. If incomplete or inadequate verification documents are submitted, the applicant is notified of deficiencies and instructed how to correct them. The applicant will be notified of his/her eligibility or non-eligibility by email.
  6. Fraudulent application information
    Should review of an application for Title IV student aid indicate that the applicant may have engaged in fraud or other criminal misconduct in connection with his/her application, Mustang Central staff must refer for investigation all relevant information to the Office of the Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Education. Examples of such information include false claims of independent student status, false claims of citizenship, use of false identities, forgery of signatures or certificates, and false statements of income.

Veterans’ Benefits

Applications for veterans’ educational assistance should be filed two months prior to enrollment to avoid any delay in payment. Information and forms can be obtained from Mustang Central at Western Wyoming Community College.

In accordance with Title 38 US Code 3679 subsection (e), Western Wyoming Community College adopts the following additional provisions for any students using U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Post 9/11 G.I. Bill ® (Ch. 33) or Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (Ch. 31) benefits, while payment to the institution is pending from V.A.

G.I. Bill ® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website at www.benefits.va.gov/gibill

Western will not: prevent student enrollment; assess a late penalty fee to student; require student secure alternative or additional funding; deny access to resources available to other students who have satisfied their tuition and fee bills to the institution.

In order to qualify for the provisions listed above, such students will be required to: produce the Certificate of Eligibility by the first day of class; provide written request to be certified; provide additional information needed to properly certify the enrollment as described in other institutional policies.

General information on VA Educational Loans, Tutorial Assistance, Group Life Insurance and home loans or specific questions on any VA program can be answered by contacting the Dept. of Veteran’s Affairs at 1-888-442-4551.

Veterans’ Satisfactory Progress Guidelines

All students who are veterans receiving educational benefits at Western Wyoming Community College are required to adhere to satisfactory progress guidelines.

  1. Students receiving Chapter 30, 1606, and 1607 must verify their enrollment monthly by Web Automated Verification of Enrollment (WAVE) or by Interactive Voice Response (IVR). The monthly verification of enrollment has not been added for Chapter 33 and Chapter 35, with one exception. Chapter 35 NCD students are mailed a monthly verification form (VA Form 22-8979). WAVE allows students to verify their enrollment on the internet. WAVE is on the Education Service website at https://www.gibill.va.gov/wave/index.do.
  2. They must advise the VA Representative in Mustang Central of any course changes (drops/adds) within 10 days of the changes. Failure to provide certification of VA enrollment form or not advising VA Representative of course changes, could result in non-certification of a student’s courses with the Veterans’ Administration.

Mustang Central will maintain appropriate veteran’s files which will include progress and attendance records. Veterans will be informed during registration of their responsibilities with regard to the standards of progress guidelines.

Military Tuition Assistance

Western Wyoming Community College ensures that eligible Service Members receive approval from the Educational Services Office (ESO) military counselor, or Service within the Military Service prior to enrolling.

Military Tuition Assistance (TA) is awarded to a student under the assumption that the student will attend school for the entire period for which the assistance is awarded. When a student withdraws, the student may no longer be eligible for the full amount of TA funds originally awarded.

To comply with the new Department of Defense policy, Western Wyoming Community College will return any unearned TA funds on a prorate basis through at least the 60% portion of the period for which the funds were provided. TA funds are earned proportionally during an enrollment period, with unearned funds returned based upon when a student stops attending. These funds are returned to the military Service branch.

Instances when a Service member stops attending due to a military service obligation, the educational institution will work with the affected Service member to identify solutions that will not result in student debt for the returned portion.

Schedule for returning unearned Military Tuition Assistance (TA) to the government:

16-week Course Withdraw submitted

Before or during weeks 1-2 100% return
During weeks 3-4 75% return
During weeks 5-8 50% return
During weeks 9 40% return (60% of course is completed)
During weeks 10-16 0% return

8-week Course Withdraw submitted

Before or during week 1 100% return
During week 2 75% 75% return
During weeks 3-4 50% return
During week 5 40% return (60% of course is completed)
During weeks 6-8 0% return

8-week Online classes

  • 100% of Tuition Assistance (TA) received will be returned if the student withdraws within the first week of class, but before submission of the first assignment. The student’s request will be processed as a drop for the purpose of returning TA funds only, not for Financial Aid attendance or recalculating of aid.
  • 75% of TA received of TA received will be returned if the student withdraws after submitting the first assignment and through the end of the second week of classes.
  • 50% of TA received will be returned if the student withdraws after the second week of classes, but before the end of the fourth week of classes.
  • 25% of TA received will be returned if the student withdraws after the fourth week of classes, but before the end of the sixth week of classes. (60% of course is completed)
  • No TA received will be returned if the student withdraws after the sixth week of classes.

Student Rights

Privacy Rights of Students (FERPA)

Privacy rights of Western Wyoming Community College students are in compliance with amended Section 438 of the General Education Provision Act, the Buckley Amendment.

Students who are attending or have attended Western Wyoming Community College and with respect to whom Western Wyoming Community College maintains education records or personally identifiable information are the exclusive claimants to the rights listed below. Parents who declare a student as a dependent, as defined in Section 1512 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, are also included; but in such cases, the particular student also retains his or her rights. Applicants for admission to Western Wyoming Community College are not included until they have officially enrolled. In the case of violations of law and policy and threat to safety of the student or others, FERPA rights may be suspended.

Western Wyoming Community College respects and actively seeks to protect the privacy rights of its students and their parents in regard to education records and personally identifiable information formulated and/or maintained by the College. These rights are generally defined as:

  1. Right to inspect and review educational records within 45 days of the day the request is received. Submit your request in writing to Mustang Central. Please be sure to identify all records you wish to review. Only records originating at Western Wyoming Community College will be copied for the student. We will not copy transcripts from other schools, or other information, originating elsewhere.
  2. Right to seek to amend educational records. If you think that something in your file is inaccurate, you may make a written request to have that record changed. Supporting documentation must be provided. We will notify the student in writing when the decision is made whether the record will be amended.
  3. Right to have some control over the disclosure of information from educational records except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. Western officials with legitimate educational interests may view a student’s records. This includes student or Board of Trustees members of disciplinary or grievance committees.
  4. Right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by Western Wyoming Community College to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA are:

    Family Policy Compliance Office
    U.S. Department of Education
    400 Maryland Ave., SW
    Washington, DC 20202-5920

Directory Information

Directory Information is information contained in an education record of a student which would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy, if disclosed. Following guidelines, provided by the FERPA Compliance Office, Western Wyoming Community College has identified the following information as directory information and, in response to public inquiry, may be disclosed in conformance with state law, at the college’s discretion, without prior consent of the student:

Student’s full name
Telephone number
Local and permanent address
Email address
Major field of study
Dates of attendance
Current enrollment status (Class standing & Full-time or part-time status)
Participation in officially recognized sports and activities
Height and weight of student athletes
Photos and videos used in campus publications
Degree(s) conferred (including dates of conferral)
Awards and honors
Class lists used within online courses

Students may restrict access and request a Privacy Flag regarding their directory information by providing Mustang Central with written and signed notification, via the “Student Records Directory Information Change” form, during the first 14 calendar days of Fall or Spring semester or within the first 4 calendar days of Summer term. All releases are based in the privacy code attached to the student. Under no circumstances are social security numbers or other identifying student number released without consent. Students may remove their Privacy Flag at any time by submitting a signed request to Mustang Central.

Equal Opportunity

Western Wyoming Community College is an equal opportunity institution and as such prohibits discrimination and harassment based on race, color, gender, religion, national origin, disability, age, veteran status, sex, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, political belief, genetic information, or any other applicable protected category or activity. The college ensures non-discriminatory practices in all matters relating to its educational admissions, programs, services, and activities as well as in all terms and conditions of employment. Inquiries concerning Title IX and Section 504 may be referred to Western Wyoming Community College, Wellbeing and Accessibility, Title IX and 504 Coordinator, 2500 College Drive Rm. 1227, Rock Springs, WY 82901, (307)382-1652. Inquiries concerning Title VI & VII may be referred to Western Wyoming Community College Human Resources, Associate Vice President for Human Resources, 2500 College Drive Rm. 3034, Rock Springs, WY 82901, (307)382-1832.

Accessibility for Individuals with Disabilities

Western Wyoming Community College complies with the requirements set forth by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Fair Housing Act (FHA), and section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Employees who need accommodations may contact the Director of Human Resources at 2500 College Drive, Suite 3034, Rock Springs, WY 82901 or (307)382-1832. Students seeking accommodations may contact the Accessibility Specialist at 2500 College Drive, Suite 2011, Rock Springs, WY 82901 or (307)382-1806.

For grievances or concerns regarding 504 services, please contact Amy Galley, Director of Wellbeing & Accessibility/Title IX and 504 Coordinator, 2500 College Drive, Suite 1227, Rock Springs, WY 82901 or (307)382-1652.

Student Completion and Transfer

According to Western Wyoming Community College’s Student Right to Know data 46 percent of Western’s degree-seeking students complete their degree within three years of their start. Of that group, 22 percent transfer immediately after graduation and sixteen percent transfer without receiving their degree. Contact the Vice President for Student Services for more detailed information on graduation rates.

Costs of Attending

For more information on Expected Family Contribution (EFC) and Limits to Federal Aid.

Estimated Annual Cost

  In-state WUE* Out-of-state
Tuition & Required Fees $3,600 $4,872 $8,640
Books & Supplies $1,600 $1,600 $1,600
Board (10-meal plan) $2,920 $2,920 $2,920
Average Room (on-campus) $2,800 $2,800 $2,800
Estimated Annual Expense $10,920 $12,192 $15,960

*Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE)

It should be clearly understood that these figures are ONLY estimates for students who live on campus and are taking 12 credits. Local students commuting to campus would probably not require these amounts.

Tuition and Fees

The following schedule shows the charges for credit classes. Students taking 12 or more credit hours per semester are classified as full-time students. Those enrolling for 11 credit hours or less per semester are classified as part-time students. Sweetwater County residents aged 60 years or over may enroll for in-person classes at the College with payment of tuition waived. Special fees for laboratory supplies or other costs remain the financial responsibility of each student, regardless of age and cannot be waived.

The College Board of Trustees reserves the right to change tuition and fees at any time.

Per Semester  
Residents of Wyoming $150/hr
Out of State  
  WUE State Residents $203/hr
  Non-WUE Residents $360/hr
Academic Support Fee  
An additional $20 Academic Support fee is charged per credit in addition to tuition and required fees. This is included in the numbers above.


Students registered in 6 or more credits may choose a payment plan option (3 payments, $50 setup fee). Once classes begin, the refund schedule goes into effect. Students who leave Western owing tuition and fees are still responsible for payment. Bad debts are submitted to collection and are subject to collection fees.


Other Charges

Access Card Replacement*   20
Adult Basic Education*   10
Auditing Classes (per semester hour)   124, 173, 322
Campus Locker Fees  
    Large Locker*   5
    Small Locker*   3
Placement Testing (mailing, processing, retake)   10
Credit by Exam/Extra-Institutional Credit   NC
Directed Study Course fee   75/cr hr
Graduation Application Fee
(Non-graduation does not negate fee)
  50 per graduating semester (term)
Green River Piano Usage   15
MUSC - Two or more Private Lessons in one semester   1/2 cost for each add’l lesson
Ceramics, Non-credit (Initial Fee)*   48
Each additional lb. of clay    
  (Paid in $10 increments)   80
Residence Hall Activity Fee*   8
Residence Hall Computer Fee*   7.50
Residence Hall Laundry Fee*   30
Transcripts   5.25 per official transcript
Exercise Science Fitness Center    
     Students   25/semester
     Employees   Contact the Business Office
     Community Members   75/semester

Testing Fees

Contact the Green River Center or Wellbeing & Accessibility for costs of specific tests.  

Western Undergraduate Exchange Program and WUE

Western Wyoming Community College participates in the WUE program along with 15 other Western states (Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, and Washington). On a space-available basis students from these states may enroll at Western in any program for 1-1/2 times the in-state tuition rate. Eligible students should address questions to Mustang Central staff.

Workforce Development

Workforce Development may be offered for credit or non-credit. All credit classes offered will be assessed a training fee in addition to the regular credit tuition rate. This fee will be allocated based upon the cost of the class. The cost includes instructor salary, mileage, materials, and other costs of offering the training. All non-credit courses will be assessed an administrative fee of up to 35% above the cost of estimated tuition and course costs.

Community Education

Community Education courses are offered for non-credit. Charges associated with an individual class, or event, are based upon the direct cost of offering the class or event plus an administrative fee of up to 35%.

Swimming Pool 

Semester Fees for Non-students (including College Employees)
  General Pass (individual) $45
  General pass (family) $80
  (1/2 price during Summer)  
  Per Session Admission for everyone $2.50

Guidelines for Waiving Course Fees for Outreach

Individual class fees may be waived for outreach courses where the fees are covered by another means (i.e., school district in-kind matching).


  1. The outreach coordinator must submit a request for a course fee waiver to Mustang Central when a course creation is submitted. The request must be accompanied by documentation regarding why fees won’t be charged (i.e., letter from school district saying they aren’t charging for computer supplies).
  2. The waiver request may be made as a one-time request or as a permanent exception.
  3. Mustang Central staff will submit the request to the VP for Student Learning for authorization.
  4. Mustang Central staff will notify the outreach office of approval or disapproval of the waiver.

Contact the Registrar for more information regarding the procedure or permanent exceptions.


Credit Courses

A portion of tuition and fees will be refunded to any student who withdraws officially within the time specified below. The portion refundable depends upon the number of days all courses have been in session. Refunds do not go into effect until signed paperwork is turned into Mustang Central staff or appropriate off-campus administrative office.

Calendar Days from Date Semester-Long Courses Begin:

1 to 10 days inclusive 100%
11 to 24 days inclusive 40%
25 days or more 0%

Note: For block courses, a comparable prorated schedule is applied. Flexible entry courses are nonrefundable after the last day to add the course if it were not flexible. Check with Mustang Central staff for actual percentages.

Non-Credit Courses

Generally, tuition and fees are not refundable for non-credit classes. Exceptions for extenuating circumstances may be made by the Registrar or appropriate Vice President.

Residency Classification

The following residency policy was developed under the auspices of the Wyoming Community College Commission and applies to all community colleges in Wyoming:

  • A student previously classified as a nonresident may be reclassified any time prior to the first day of any term in which they qualify.
  • A student who is classified as a resident by one community college will be considered a resident at all Wyoming state colleges.

Classification Procedures:

  1. Residence classification shall be initiated for each student at the time the application for admission is accepted and whenever a student has not been in attendance for more than one semester. All students must respond to the residency question on the application for admission. Students wishing to request a review of the residency decision must submit documentation along with the “Initial Residency” decision or the “Change of Residency” form to the Registrar in Mustang Central.
  2. Only individuals or their legal dependents who are U.S. citizens or are in an immigrant status and certain non-immigrants may qualify for residency.
  3. Non-immigrants and their dependents, who possess a valid visa from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services with a classification of Temporary Workers or Intracompany Transferee and eligible for education, may qualify for residency. Eligibility for consideration will be based on the privileges and limitations of the visa held by the applicant.
  4. Students will be required to submit appropriate documentation to support the residency claim.

The following may be used by a student and would result in an individual being classified as a Wyoming resident for tuition purposes:

  1. A graduate of a Wyoming high school or recipient of a GED in Wyoming who enrolls in a community college within twelve months of either high school graduation or GED completion;
  2. An individual who can provide written verification that they have lived in Wyoming continuously for six months prior to enrolling;
  3. A legal dependent under the age of 24, or a spouse of a resident of the State of Wyoming who qualifies as a resident based upon this policy;
  4. A legal dependent under the age of 24 of a Wyoming community college graduate;
  5. A student who marries a Wyoming resident shall be granted resident classification at the beginning of the next term following the marriage;
  6. Active Wyoming National Guard members and U.S. Armed Forces members stationed in Wyoming, and their dependents.
  7. Members of the United States Armed Forces who move to Wyoming within 12 months from the date of honorable discharge from the service.
  8. Persons temporarily absent from the state due to military services, attendance at educational institutions, or other types of documented temporary absences will not have their resident status made void by such absence;
  9. People who do not reside in Wyoming but who meet the following criteria may be considered for resident status:
    1. Has been employed in Wyoming for at least seven months, and such employment is the principal means of support;
    2. Pays Wyoming taxes as required by law.

Any questions or concerns about the residency policy should be addressed to the Registrar in Mustang Central. Appeals and exceptions to the above policy should be addressed to the Dean of Students.

Student Support

College and Career Readiness Center

The College and Career Readiness Center’s primary goal is to provide high quality learning opportunities to all Western Wyoming Community College students and community residents. The College and Career Readiness Center offers an alternative to the regular classroom with courses that are individualized to meet the student’s needs. Courses are offered at college-prep and college levels. With the assistance of instructors in their area of study, students can focus on the concepts they need to improve. A wide range of courses and scheduling options are available.

Non-Native Speakers

English as a Second Language (ESL) courses are offered for speakers of other languages from the literacy level through intermediate level courses for international, degree-seeking students. Courses are offered in a scheduled classroom environment and as a self-paced study program. ESL reading, grammar, vocabulary, writing, listening, and conversation courses are available.

Developmental Studies/Basic Skills Credit Classes

Basic skills classes are offered in reading, writing, grammar, spelling, vocabulary, and mathematics. Some of these courses are also available online. In addition, preparatory classes and testing for the Wyoming High School Equivalency Certificate are offered.

Courses are also offered in the traditional classroom setting and are designed to help students improve their foundational skills in math, reading, and grammar. Non-native course offerings are designed for students whose first language is not English.

High School Equivalency Certificate Preparation/Adult Literacy

Professional staff and trained volunteer tutors provide instruction in High School Equivalency Certificate Preparation, Adult Basic Education, English language, and civics/history in one-to-one, small group, and/or classroom settings. Some of the programs are open entry/open exit allowing students to move through at their own pace. Prospective High School Equivalency Certificate students should schedule an appointment for pre-testing by calling (307)382-1829. Testing, tutoring, and customized instruction are offered by contractual arrangement to local businesses and agencies.

Peer Tutor & Test Proctoring Center

The Peer Tutor Center is certified through the College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA) as an internationally recognized program. Tutoring is free to all Western Wyoming Community College students and is available in a variety of course areas for students on a drop-in basis or by appointment. Outreach students may call and make a tutoring appointment online. The Peer Tutor Center also has academic assistance and specialized equipment available for students with special needs.

Test proctoring is available for Western students with accommodations, make-up or online exams.

Test proctoring is available for students in distance learning programs with colleges other than Western. Contact the Center directly to set a test proctoring appointment at (307)382-1707.

Mustang Success

Mustang Success helps all students with Advising, Careers, Employment, Internships and Transferring. International and High Risk students are also served by the services in Mustang Success.

Career Guidance Services

Career guidance is available to assist persons in learning about themselves through assessments and individual career advising so that they can make the best possible academic choices about their future.

The career assessment measures interests, aptitudes, and values, and helps determine how they relate to specific careers. Results are then interpreted in terms of the student’s goals, life plans, and personal circumstances.

Career Readiness

Career Services offers individuals assistance preparing resumes, writing cover letters and succeeding in the job interview. Career development courses and workshops on employment strategies are available.


Internships provide part-time employment as well as meaningful, practical experience that relate to a student’s major. Students can experience real world examples of the theory learned in the classroom and earn money to assist with the cost of their education, strengthen practical knowledge and earn college credit.

Office of Wellbeing & Accessibility

The mission of the Office of Wellbeing & Accessibility is to support and empower Western Wyoming Community College students as they strive for personal, social, and academic success. The Office of Wellbeing & Accessibility offers a wide range of services, on campus and online, to assist students in this endeavor.


The Office of Wellbeing & Accessibility offers confidential counseling and related services to credit-seeking students. Licensed mental health professionals are available to help students who may experience personal or academic problems. Services include individual and unlimited group counseling, crisis and emergency services, as well as referrals. Counseling can be utilized for various reasons including but not limited to college adjustment, loneliness, depression, anxiety, stress management, decision making, organizational skills, and other life skill development. Unlimited groups and workshops are offered to students however individual sessions are limited to 15 per year. Students can schedule appointments in the Office of Wellbeing & Accessibility, Room 1227, or call (307)382-1652. Evening appointments can be scheduled on a case by case basis. In the event of a crisis or emergency after hours, Wellbeing & Accessibility counselors can be reached through Protective Services.

Services for Students with Disabilities

The disability and accessibility program is dedicated to promoting full participation and benefits for students with disabilities in all activities and programs in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Students with a documented disability may qualify for reasonable classroom, testing, and housing accommodations. Students can schedule an appointment to meet with the Accessibility Specialist in the Office of Wellbeing & Accessibility, room 1227, or call (307)382-1652 and should bring documentation of the disability for which they are seeking accommodation.

Online Resources

Wellbeing & Accessibility is pleased to be able to offer students YOU@westernwyoming.edu. YOU can be accessed through the student portal homepage. This online resource helps students to SUCCEED,THRIVE, and MATTER at college. Students can customize their profile and take reality checks that provide feedback on the student’s sense of health, purpose, life trajectory, and overall wellness. In addition this site offers articles, advice, quizzes, self-help, and videos as well as referrals for both off and on campus resources.


A variety of free educational workshops, seminars, activities, and events are offered through the Office of Wellbeing & Accessibility. Typically these events are designed to facilitate personal, social and academic growth, success, and overall wellbeing. Workshops are facilitated by Wellbeing & Accessibility Professionals and attempt to address the current needs and concerns of students. On campus groups may request or schedule workshops by contacting the Office of Wellbeing & Accessibility, Room 1227, (307)382-1652.

Relaxation Room

Wellbeing & Accessibility offers a relaxation room fully equipped with two massage chairs, meditation pillow, sound machine, and aroma therapy. This room is open to all members of the campus community. Just check in and enjoy complete relaxation for up to thirty minutes per session.

Student Housing

Western offers seven different residence halls with a variety of styles and floor plans to suit every taste. From social, suite-style rooms to more private apartments, Western provides each student with a comfortable home away from home. Living on campus gives you opportunities to make new friends and enjoy new experiences every semester. Western provides a robust Residence Life program that gives our students the opportunity to continue learning outside of the classroom.

Our outstanding buildings and rooms are designed in a way that not only provides our residents with the opportunity to have roommates and enjoy living with fellow students, but also gives them the privacy and personal space that we know is important. We pride ourselves in the fact that our residents will never share their living, sleeping, and bathroom areas with more than three people, unlike what you may find at other colleges and universities.

Our resident assistants do a fine job of providing our residents with programs that are educational, fun and free. Our Residence Hall Association is an organization that gives each of our residents an opportunity to plan events in the residence halls and share their ideas about how to make our residence halls even better.

Children’s Center

The Western Wyoming Community College Children’s Center, located next to the gymnasium, and adjacent to the Aquatic Center, is a spacious, modern facility. The Center follows guidelines set forth by the Wyoming Department of Family Services. Childcare is available during the day to children of any parent taking classes at Western. The Center is also available to the children of faculty and staff, based on availability.

The Children’s Center operates according to the Academic Calendar and is available fall, spring and summer semesters. A fee is charged for each child attending the Center based on the number of credits for which the parent is registered and the time the parent spends on campus. To ensure safety and minimal costs, the Children’s Center requires the parent to remain on campus while their children are in the Center. Please contact the Director for more information.

Children using the Center during the day must be age two through five to participate. All children must be toilet-trained unless they are in the two-year-old class. The Children’s Center operates three classes according to age, “Bunnies” are 2-3 years old, “Bears” are 3-4 years old, “Turtles” are 4-5 years old. Children must turn two on or before August 1st of the current year to attend. Each class is staffed by qualified teachers and aides. Parents are asked to fill out a registration packet for each child every semester. In addition, students must provide a copy of their class schedule and an immunization record for their child.

The Children’s Center also provides a Friday Program to provide childcare to children kindergarten through second grade to help parents with the four-day school week recently adopted by Sweetwater County School District No. 2. This program focuses on providing a variety of activities, including art projects, campus walks, gross motor activities and free play. Children of students, faculty, and staff may be enrolled in the program.

In addition to serving the parents of young children, the Children’s Center provides observation and field experience for a variety of disciplines on campus including nursing, education, and psychology. Not only does the Children’s Center maintain a high quality care and education experience for the children who are served there, it also provides practical opportunities for Western Wyoming Community College students.


The College Bookstore’s goal is to serve the educational institution of which it is a part. The desire is to operate as a service to the students and faculty with the purpose of providing the required tools of education. The philosophy is to operate the Bookstore as efficiently as possible, placing an emphasis on service.

The Bookstore is owned and maintained by Western Wyoming Community College, and is located in the central area near the pendulum. Bookstore hours are from 7:50 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Mondays (when classes are in session) and 7:50 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Tuesday through Friday. During the first week of each semester the Bookstore is open in the evenings Monday through Thursday.

Order or reserve textbooks online at www.wwccbookstore.com. Textbooks can be reserved online four weeks prior to the beginning of the course. The website has additional details.

The Bookstore is supplied with book orders prior to every semester by each instructor. Instructors are given the freedom of choice as to what textbooks they wish to use for their own classes. These textbooks are placed on shelves within the store by class and instructor’s name. Students should check their schedule when buying books or even attend class once before purchase, so that they purchase the correct books.

Should a book need to be returned, the student must present the receipt, and the book must be absolutely clean and in resalable condition (i.e., no marks, no name) to obtain a full refund prior to the posted deadline.

New book prices are established by the publisher. The Bookstore will make every effort to have used textbooks and other alternative formats available. The Bookstore also has several titles available for rent each semester both online and in the store.

The Bookstore offers the service of buying used books from students during finals week. Posters will be placed throughout the campus informing students of the actual date of the buyback.

The Bookstore has a fairly good supply of general reading material, as well as study guides and reference books. Any book not in stock can be special ordered. Supplies are also an integral part of the Western bookstore. Basic school supplies are kept in stock, as well as art and drafting supplies. Instructors are encouraged to inform the bookstore staff of special supplies that students may need, so that the Bookstore can make certain the items are available for purchase.

Hay Library

The Library maintains and develops collections of resources for the use of students, faculty and staff, and community members. These collections include over 60,000 books, about 120 current print periodical subscriptions with extensive holdings of past issues, more than 3,000 audiovisual items, and many online databases and resources, including approximately 500,000 e-books.

The Library was designated as a selective federal depository in 1969 to serve the government information needs of the citizens of Wyoming.

WYLDCAT (Wyoming Libraries Database Catalog on the Web) offers bibliographic access to all materials in all Wyoming libraries, with the exception of the University of Wyoming. The Library staff provides research assistance and library use instruction. Hay Library participates in state and national interlibrary loan networks for obtaining books and other items not available locally.

All residents of Wyoming may check out library materials.

There are various areas for reading and studying in the library. Three group study rooms contain televisions and videocassette or DVD players. A photocopy and fax machine are available.

The Library sponsors author readings and other scholarly and cultural events every semester.

Library Hours:

Monday-Thursday 7:30 a.m. - 11:00 p.m.
Friday 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Saturday 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Sunday 5:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.

Hours vary during the summer, semester breaks and holidays. Additional weekend hours are added during finals. Hay Library is always available virtually at: https://www.westernwyoming.edu/student-life/campus-amenities/hay-library/index.php

Instructional Media Center

This department provides faculty and students with traditional audio/visual support in the classroom.

Western Wyoming Community College Employee IDs, Black Butte Sodexho meal cards, and Community Member Wellness Access cards may also be obtained from this department.
Wellness access cards may also be purchased for a fee of $75.00 per semester for Community Members.

Identification Cards

All Western full- and part-time students are eligible for a student ID at no charge and may obtain one by visiting Mustang Central. The student ID card provides student access and discounts throughout the college community. Employees and full- and part-time students may also purchase a Wellness Center access card from Mustang Central. It is $25.00 per semester.

Children Center IDs are also available from Mustang Central at no cost but must have signed approval form from Children Center to get access.

Student Organizations and Activities

Every credit student is a member of the Associated Students with the right to participate in student organizations, compete in intramural athletics, gain free admission to athletic events sponsored by the college and participate in certain social and cultural activities in the community.

The governing body of the Associated Students is the Student Government Association, composed of twenty-two elected positions - president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, eight senators, and eleven Campus Activities Board members. Representatives of Student Government sit on many College-wide committees.

The College believes that the student must be actively involved in the operation of the institution, if his or her education is to be complete. It is the responsibility of the Student Government to promote activities which stimulate the intellectual, physical and social life of the campus. Traditionally, Student Government sponsors College dances and social events as well as lectures and other entertainment. Efforts have been made to expand the educational, cultural and civic involvement of the Associated Students in the total life of the campus, thus involving the student leader and his or her constituency in the decision-making process related to pertinent issues of the College and the contemporary world.


The College competes in Division I of the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA) intercollegiate men’s and women’s basketball, men’s wrestling, women’s soccer, and women’s volleyball. Western Wyoming Community College is a member of the Wyoming Community College Athletic Conference, which consists of Wyoming’s seven community colleges. They also belong to Region IX which is made up of community colleges in Wyoming, Nebraska and Colorado. A number of athletic grants for both men and women are available.

Western Alumni

Western Wyoming Community College celebrated its 60th anniversary in 2019. Graduates of degree and certificate programs and former students who have completed at least one credit are Western alumni. The Community Relations Office is located on the Rock Springs Campus and serves as an information center for current and former students, their families, and friends of the College.

Lifelong Learning

Western Wyoming Community College is dedicated to providing lifelong education for a diverse and changing society. In fulfilling this mission, the College is committed to providing workforce training, professional/continuing education, and community education. Learning resources are shared with all students as they seek and meet the challenges of careers, new technologies, personal life transitions, and personal growth. Activities and classes vary in length and provide students the opportunity to improve professional, technical, business, and interpersonal skills.

Professional/Continuing Education: Professional and continuing education classes and activities provide job skills necessary to remain in or advance in the workforce. These include a variety of classes, customized contract training, testing, workshops, conferences, seminars, and online classes. CEUs (Continuing Education Units) &/or college credit may be awarded upon successful course completion.

Workforce Training: Workforce Training classes and activities provide job skills necessary to quickly enter specific sectors of the workforce. Many of these classes and activities award CEUs and may provide eligibility to earn credit toward certificate or degree programs.

Community Education: Community Education classes and activities provide personal growth opportunities for community members of all ages. These include a variety of classes, seminars, lecture series, forum series, cultural activities, and community development activities.

Facility Use

Western Wyoming Community College makes every effort to open its facilities to the public for meetings and events. If there are any scheduling conflicts with instructional programs, the College will take precedence. Interested persons can contact Physical Resources on the Rock Springs campus (307)382-1680 or the Green River Center (307)872-1300. Fees may be assessed for custodial, security and facilities use.